Essential Question: What were the Nazi ideology & policies that led to the Final Solution? What were the consequences of the Holocaust? Agenda for Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: What were the Nazi ideology & policies that led to the Final Solution? What were the consequences of the Holocaust? Agenda for Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: What were the Nazi ideology & policies that led to the Final Solution? What were the consequences of the Holocaust? Agenda for Unit 4: Holocaust

2 Introduction to the Holocaust
What was the Final Solution (Holocaust)? Read the information in the handout “The Holocaust: How Could This Happen?” & answer the 14 questions provided Watch The Last Days Holocaust documentary The documentary will span parts of two days; Be mature & pay attention This lesson will end with a document-analysis activity

3 The Last Days The Last Days documentary on
The Last Days, Part 1 The Last Days, Part 2 The Last Days, Part 3 The Last Days, Part 4 The Last Days, Part 5 The Last Days, Part 6

4 Essential Question: What were the Nazi ideology & policies that led to the Final Solution? What were the consequences of the Holocaust? CPWH Agenda for Unit 12.4: Holocaust & Last Days Discussion Today’s HW: 32.3 Unit 12 Test: Wed, April 13

5 Holocaust Document Analysis
What are the important themes from the Holocaust? Examine each of the 10 images & identify how each might be related to the Holocaust Be prepared to share your answers

6 German children read an anti-Jewish propaganda book titled DER GIFTPILZ ( "The Poisonous Mushroom"). The girl on the left holds a companion volume, the translated title of which is "Trust No Fox." Germany, ca #1

7 Identification badges for Jews in Germany

8 At the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics, a racial hygienist measures a woman's features in an attempt to determine her racial ancestry. Berlin, Germany, date uncertain. #3

9 Train car used to transport Jews from ghettos to concentration camps and extermination centers

10 Forged/fake Swedish passport used to help European Jews escape to Sweden

11 The gate at Auschwitz (Poland) that reads: “Work shall set you free
The gate at Auschwitz (Poland) that reads: “Work shall set you free.” The gate was part of a propaganda campaign to disguise the true purpose of the Auschwitz extermination camp. #6

12 A can of Zyklon B poison that was used in Nazi gas chambers to exterminate Jews

13 Crematoria used in extermination camps to dispose of dead bodies

14 Piles of shoes from killed European Jews

15 An IBM machine that was used by the Nazis to keep records of the Final Solution

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