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Key Science Terminology

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Presentation on theme: "Key Science Terminology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Science Terminology
What do people know about science?

2 Science A way (or process) of knowing about the world based on observations and facts that can be proved or disproved by other scientists using accepted techniques.

3 Scientific Law A description of how a natural phenomenon will occur under certain circumstances. Ex: An object in motion tends to stay in motion.

4 Fact A natural phenomenon repeatedly confirmed by observation
Ex: Venus takes 25 days to circle the sun, earth 365 days, Sun rises in the east.

5 Hypothesis A possible and testable statement that answers a question about an observation. Often presented as if__then__. statements.

6 Scientific Theory A well accepted explanation of some aspect of the natural world that includes many confirmed observations, laws, and successfully proven hypothesis. Predicts future occurrences Can be tested Is falsifiable (can be disproved with new evidence and data) Ex: Plate Tectonics, Einstein's Relativity (e=mc2), Darwin's evolution.

7 The relationship of categories of scientific knowledge
Observation Hypothesis Scientific Theory Scientific Law

8 Relationship Between Scientific Theory and Scientific Law
States, identifies, or describes the relationship among observable phenomenon. Scientific Theory Inferred explanations for observable phenomena

9 Science

10 Scientific Law

11 Fact

12 Hypothesis .

13 Scientific Theory


15 How does the progression of scientific knowledge go from a hypothesis, to a theory, to a law?

16 Relationship Between Scientific Theory and Scientific Law.

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