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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO CONDUCT LIBRARY RESEARCH"— Presentation transcript:


2 TIPS ON RESEARCH TIP 1 Students often start their research by using the Internet: The tip here is to realise that basic information can often be quicker and easier to find in a book and encyclopaedia.

3 TIPS ON RESEARCH TIP 2 Be sure you understand the question you are trying to find the answer for: If you find it difficult to explain it to someone else, then go back to your tutor/teacher and check your understanding

4 TIPS ON RESEARCH TIP 3 If the title of the book doesn’t appear to relate exactly to a research question, then is it relevant?: The tip here is to look through the contents AND the index

5 TIPS ON RESEARCH TIP 4 Use the Library Catalogue: Even if you’ve been shown how to use the catalogue, it’s easy to forget. Do ask for advice and help — it feels good when you know how.

6 TIPS ON RESEARCH TIP 5 Some students sometimes think they are using the Internet for an hour for assignment research, when what actually happens is this: 10 minutes spent on research - with lots printed out! 20 minutes on checking and sending s 20 minutes on general sites — shopping/music/cars/soaps/phones/films 10 minutes on research — with more printing

7 TIPS ON RESEARCH This is probably part of your working or learning style, but it is not effective as a research strategy. You need a sense of purpose, so how about analysing your research topic, then making a list of 4 or 5 questions you want answers to Keep your searching focused and ask for help if you get stuck.

8 TIPS ON RESEARCH TIP 6 Can you believe everything you read on screen?:
NO is the short answer. The web address (URL) gives clues about the information Most websites don't belong to companies or organisations. They are often published as a hobby or for political reasons. They can be: inaccurate out of date biased

9 TIPS ON RESEARCH TIP 7 A website is likely to be unofficial if the address (URL): does not include any of the following: gov, ac,, org, .com at the end of the address it is very long includes free web hosting companies such as Yahoo, AOL, geocities or freewebspace The more you use the web, the more familiar you'll become with different URLs

10 TIPS ON RESEARCH The most reliable websites are often set up by official organisations and businesses. They can often be identified by their web address. For example: .com The "standard" ending to web address often used by commercial organisations .org Generally used by not for profit organisations A company's website based in the UK or University, schools and colleges

11 TIPS ON RESEARCH TIP 8 Be organised – planning time use is essential when there are many demands on your time. Make sure that you set aside one or more periods of time each week when you devote yourself to research and don’t let other demands impinge on this time.


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