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The Civil Rights Movement

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1 The Civil Rights Movement

2 I. Beginnings Jim Crow laws were created to enforce segregation of the races. Upheld by Plessy v. Ferguson Eating, drinking, and schools. Brown v. Board of Education officially declared segregation unconstitutional

3 II. School Segregation Many school districts were slow to follow the Brown decision. In Little Rock, Arkansas, the superintendent tried to prevent 9 black students from enrolling. “Little Rock Nine” Pres. Eisenhower called in 1000 National Guardsmen.

4 III. Montgomery Bus Boycott
African-Americans made up 3/4s of all passengers. The first week, the company almost went bankrupt. Lasted a year, many walked miles everyday. The Supreme Court ordered an end to segregated busses.

5 IV. Sit-In Movement Four black freshman sat down at a “whites only” lunch counter at Woolworth’s. They inspired hundreds of other students to do the same.


7 V. The Freedom Rides Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Sent “freedom riders” on a bus trip from D.C. through the South. They were protesting segregated busses. They were met with violence.






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