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Volunteer Engagement Foundation

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer Engagement Foundation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer Engagement Foundation
Trends Capacity Building Flickr: pshutterbug

2 Imagine a world in which your library has all the resources it needs to:
Serve more clients Deliver more programs Strengthen its staff Spread its message more widely Increase its financial stability Boomer Volunteer Engagement: Collaborate Today, Thrive Tomorrow, 2008 Flickr: pshutterbug

3 Trends and Issues Flickr: Hopkinsii Jill
Clearly some team members know more about the volunteer infrastructure and program than others. What kinds of facts are available about your library? Putting the pilot team together and answering the organizational assessment: What has your library learned? What have you learned? What do you know? What don’t you know? What would you like to do differently? What would need to be different in order for you to be different? Transition: Demands of time More entrepreneurial Episodic volunteering Informal volunteering Technology Impact-focused Generations Changing Roles: Achievement oriented High level work Self-directed Staff paradigm shift Mission driven Structural options Collaboration Desire for flexibility and control Skills based volunteer Episodic experiences the AY year leads into this. It appeals to Boomers and then generations that follow to manage their time. Self-directed not micro-managed Generational shift to more impact more feedback more independent volunteering/entrepreneurial Why volunteerism is in the spotlight now: Obama Economy Jill’s therories, there but for the grace of god go I You can take advantage of the generational shift, even as you have volunteers aging out of traditional assignments. For example, Boomers are very health conscious, and the health benefits of volunteering are well documented. In addition, Boomers will be responsible for the largest transfer of wealth in US history. Engaging them as volunteers can create a significant channel of financial support for your library and its programs, as volunteers give twice as much as non-volunteers (according to the recent IS study...) You can also tap Boomers’ concern for creating a legacy (mentioned on the last slide) through intergenerational opportunities that help expand your volunteer workforce and create the volunteers of tomorrow. Most adult volunteers report a history of volunteering as a young person and most volunteering for Boomers has involved their children. Older Boomers who are empty nesters often enjoy the mutual learning that intergenerational volunteering provides. Younger Boomers still have children at home, and family volunteering quality time – and an avenue for libraries to engage people who care about learning and libraries as they evolve their volunteer programs to be ready for Boomers and the generations that follow. Flexibility Time for family volunteering Flickr: Hopkinsii

4 Spotlight on Volunteerism
Economy Spotlight on Volunteerism Flickr: Hopkinsii

5 Time Collaboration Technology Generational Shift Results Focused
Culture Shift Flickr: Hopkinsii

6 Organizational Structure Gateway Behaviors
Volunteers Leading Volunteers Flickr: Hopkinsii

7 Executing the right things Focusing on organizational vision
Leadership Motivating teams Executing the right things Focusing on organizational vision Flickr: Hopkinsii

8 Envisioning possibilities Founding initiatives Changing norms
Entrepreneurship Envisioning possibilities Founding initiatives Changing norms Jen Entrepreneurship dovetails with the changing roles we mentioned last time, specifically: Achievement oriented High level work Self-directed Staff paradigm shift Structural options Desire for flexibility Self-directed not micro-managed Generational shift to more impact more feedback more independent volunteering Typically, entrepreneurs are willing to take risks, generate and try innovative ideas… some of the ideas you all shared on the last call were very entrepreneurial, such as: Flickr: Hopkinsii

9 Boomers Leading Change
Flexibility Control Achievement Collaboration Partners Flickr: jaypeg21

10 Create Training Opportunities
Technology Expand Communication Increase Diversity Create Training Opportunities Steward Time Flickr: Wysz

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