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Implementing a Vision for Persons with Disabilities Agency Transformation.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing a Vision for Persons with Disabilities Agency Transformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing a Vision for Persons with Disabilities Agency Transformation

2 Lines of Service Children, Youth and Family Services Wellness & Change Services Aging, Disabilities & Housing Services

3 LSS Mission “Motivated by the Compassion of Christ, We Help People Improve the Quality of Their Lives”

4 LSS Vision “Change the World, One Grace Filled Life at a Time”

5 LSS Values Excellence Infinite Worth Interdependence Diversity Innovation

6 The process of Transformation Is a Journey ….not A Destination

7 Person’s with Disabilities - Services As They Were As They Are As They Might Become and As They Ought to Be


9 Strategic Planning – Make the decision to create your future 1. Examine Your Business History 2. Examine Present State – Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity & Threats 3. Imagine the Future – Create a Vision of where you want to go 4. Establish Goals 5. Identify Action Steps and what you will need to Accomplish them

10 As They Were Deinstitutionalization – 70’s and 80’s 40 years of service development trending toward community integration Individuals challenged to find acceptance within the community Group Homes, Adult Family Homes, Sheltered Workshops Transition from County funded system to Managed Care

11 Strategic Planning – Make the decision to create your future 1. Examine Your Business History 2. Examine Present State – Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity & Threats 3. Imagine the Future – Create a Vision of where you want to go 4. Establish Goals 5. Identify Action Steps and what you will need to Accomplish them

12 As They Are Evolving/Changing Family Care in Wisconsin Individuals recognized as having value in the community IRIS growing in membership (Triple over next 2 years) Fiscal Challenges – Funders & Providers Medicare/Medicaid crisis System change is inevitable

13 Strategic Planning – Make the decision to create your future 1. Examine Your Business History 2. Examine Present State – Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity & Threats 3. Imagine the Future – Create a Vision of where you want to go 4. Establish Goals 5. Identify Action Steps and what you will need to Accomplish them

14 As They Might Become…..and Wisconsin Service System is in a phase of change and openness Family Care will continue to evolve and reshape delivery of services Traditional residential services are challenged to operate as they are Increase pressure to reduce cost Community Supported Living as an option

15 As They Ought To Be Not forecasting the future as it might become, rather Creating a future that Ought To Be Designing & Innovating flexible individualized supports Persons with Disabilities as valued, and contributing citizens in the community A home of a persons own (ownership/lease) Support vs. Care For Focus on Individual Hopes and Dreams

16 Strategic Planning – Make the decision to create your future 1. Examine Your Business History 2. Examine Present State – Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity & Threats 3. Imagine the Future – Create a Vision of where you want to go 4. Establish Goals 5. Identify Action Steps and what you will need to Accomplish them

17 Community Supported Living Community Supported Living is an alliance between an individual, their support network, and Provider, created to customize flexible supports and services around the individual in their own home and within the community.

18 What We Needed to Learn Paradigm Shift in thinking and learning “Unlearning” process How could we learn from others ARC of Rensselaer County, New York Jay Nolan Community Services, California Movin’ Out Night Owl CCCW Peter Leidy

19 What We Needed to Learn How to communicate the shift in services How to Walk the Walk How does this change the culture of the organization? How does technology play a role? What is the financial impact? How to develop housing resources How to change ideas into action

20 It is a Terrible Thing to See and have no Vision Helen Keller

21 Sometimes the most difficult part of any journey is the first step…..the decision to take it.

22 Why do I have to change?

23 Motivation “not” to Change Lot’s of Work, is it Worth it? Not Willing to Take Risk Loss of Revenues Will it Work? What happens if it doesn’t work? Will Leadership Support the Change Can’t we just keep doing what we know People will leave

24 Motivation to Change Cookie Cutter Approach to Service Individual outcomes weren’t individual Person Centered, Self Determined, Self Directed Community Integration Mission, Vision, Values Self determined, Self-directed services Financial Challenges Full and Valued lives Clear Trends Opportunity to Create our future

25 Things to Consider What does this mean for the individuals we support? How does it impact their lives – positive/negative? What is the impact on Family and Guardians? Relationships with Funders and other Key Stakeholders Community Impact Staff Impact Agency Impact – Financial, PR, Property, Donors

26 There is No Template for Transformation Make the reason for change about your Vision Not everyone is as excited about your vision as you are Importance of partnership with funder, family, individual and provider Recognition of who is the owner of the Dream Importance of designing a solid, viable plan Sometimes your Agency can be the obstacle Flexibility & Patience Don’t compromise the Vision Lessons Learned

27 Why it’s Worth It Assisting people to live the fullest life possible Valued Social Roles within the community Meaningful work Creative Expression Home and Neighborhood Spirituality Family and Friends Sports and Leisure

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