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Divide yourselves into two equal teams (or as close as possible)

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Presentation on theme: "Divide yourselves into two equal teams (or as close as possible)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Divide yourselves into two equal teams (or as close as possible)
Happy Monday! Divide yourselves into two equal teams (or as close as possible)

2 Argument, Propaganda, and Persuasive Appeals
Test Review Game Argument, Propaganda, and Persuasive Appeals

3 Rules Teams will take turns answering questions.
If one team answers incorrectly, the other team may try to answer the question and steal the points. Team members will discuss each question and the captain will announce the team’s answer. Each team will have 15 seconds to answer. During bonus questions, both teams have a chance to answer the question, and both can get points. Points can be taken away for lack of sportsmanship or not working together as a team. Moderator (Ms. Kelly) can change the rules as she sees fit at any point in the game.

4 Question 1 Create an example of a claim.

5 Question 2- Worth 4 points
When writing an argument, what 4 things should you include? Claim, supporting details, counter argument, and rebuttal

6 Question 3 Define propaganda. A persuasive technique to get someone to do, buy, or believe something.

7 When the author addresses the opposition’s side of the argument
Question 4 Define “counter argument” When the author addresses the opposition’s side of the argument

8 A rebuttal is the response to the counter argument
Question 5 What always follows a counter argument? And define this term. A rebuttal is the response to the counter argument

9 Bonus- Worth 5 points Why is important to include a counter argument? It makes the argument stronger when you can anticipate their possible response.

10 Question 6 “As principal, you make decisions regarding Knox Middle School's Web site. Our site contains a lot of good information, such as school hours, lunch menus, and important phone numbers. However, we could make our site a lot better. I think we should include details about school activities, such as sporting events, fundraisers, and performances.” What could make this introduction stronger?

11 Question 7 “As principal, you make decisions regarding Knox Middle School's Web site. Our site contains a lot of good information, such as school hours, lunch menus, and important phone numbers. However, we could make our site a lot better. I think we should include details about school activities, such as sporting events, fundraisers, and performances.” What are the supporting details this author will discuss?

12 The definition of a word.
Question 8 Define denotation. The definition of a word.

13 Curious (or something similar)
Question 9 Nosey has a negative connotation. What word has the same denotation but a positive connotation? Curious (or something similar)

14 Makes you want to do something because other people are.
Question 10 How does bandwagon work? Makes you want to do something because other people are.

15 A celebrity or expert endorses a product or cause.
Question 11 What is a testimonial propaganda? A celebrity or expert endorses a product or cause.

16 Question 12 A celebrity shopping at Walmart. What kind of propaganda is this? Plain Folks

17 Question 13 A commercial tries to scare you into taking action. What propaganda is this? Fear

18 Question 14 An advertisement uses the words “Great”, “New”, “Improved”, and “Low Price”. What kind of propaganda is this? Glittering

19 Bonus- 5 points I’ve asked about 5/6 of the types of propaganda already. What is the sixth one? Define it. Cardstacking is when the advertisement only reveals good information about their product.

20 Question 15 The beginning of the I-X Indoor Amusement Park commercial begins with the words, 'so cool, so fun, if you're not here you're the only one.' What propaganda technique is this commercial using? Bandwagon

21 Question 16 In a Nurtisystem commercial, legendary football quarterback, Dan Marino claims that he lost weight on the Nutrisystem commercials and swears by the product. What is this an example of? Testimonial

22 Question 17 In the 'Back to the Basics' All State commercial, the spokesperson states, 'people start enjoying the small things in life, a home- cooked meal, time with loved ones, appreciating the things we do have; the things we can count on.' What propaganda technique is this commercial using? Glittering

23 Question 18 Nikki just viewed a commercial for att. The advertisement claimed that everyone was switching to AT&T because it has the best service. After viewing the commercial, Nikki felt left out because she has a different carrier. What is this an example of? Bandwagon

24 Question 19 Larry just viewed a commercial in which an ordinary man claimed to wear Dove deodorant everyday to feel clean and fresh. Larry figured that since this product worked for the man on T.V. it should work for him, too. What is this an example of? Plain Folks

25 Question 20- Worth 2 points
Fill in the blanks: The idea of fear propaganda is to present a _________________ and usually follow it up with the kind of _______ needed to avoid that horrible event. dreaded circumstance behavior

26 BONUS- One point for each you get right
Name the three persuasive appeals and what they appeal to. Pathos- emotional appeal Ethos- ethical appeal Logos- logical appeal

27 Question 21 The ethos appeal works with which propaganda technique? Testimonial- the celebrity or expert is worth listening to, it appeals to the sense of right and wrong.

28 Cardstacking- the statistics appeal to the logical sense
Question 22 The logos appeal works with which propaganda technique? Cardstacking- the statistics appeal to the logical sense

29 Question 23- Worth 3 points
The pathos appeal works with which 3 propaganda techniques? Fear, Glittering, and Bandwagon all appeal the emotions in different ways.

30 Question 24- Worth 2 points
Which persuasive appeal would Plain Folks work with? Explain. Logos, it is logical that if worked for a normal person, you should use it.

31 FINAL QUESTION- Please make a wager
You must get all answers correct to get your wagered points. If any of your answers are incorrect, you will lose your wagered points. Please wager responsibly and choose as a group.

32 Write an argument introduction for the opinion “I think my team will do better on this test than the other team.” You must include: A claim 3 supporting details A persuasive appeal

33 Sudden Death Put these steps in the correct order- first group with it correct wins. 1. State your position on the topic. 2. Restate your position and end with a strong final thought. 3. Anticipate at least one objection and provide a counterargument. 4. Provide at least three reasons supporting your position.

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