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Morning. Please get out your song sheet from yesterday-

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Presentation on theme: "Morning. Please get out your song sheet from yesterday-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Morning. Please get out your song sheet from yesterday-
Morning! Please get out your song sheet from yesterday-*Important Dates* Journal 19: One theme from yesterdays song could be to take time for ourselves and stop letting the little moments of our lives pass us by. How can we focus on this more? What do we get caught up with during day to day activities? Personally, what can you do that helps? How does this relate to what the Romantics were trying to say/do?

2 Notes: RACES Writing In your note section of your binder write these notes down EVEN IF YOU ALREADY LEARNED IT!!! Your pre-test short answer was not what 11th graders should be producing  R (Restate) Restate the question by turning it into a statement A (Answer) Answer all parts of the question by drawing conclusions on what you read NEVER USE “I” or “I think” always write in third person

3 C (Cite) Give evidence from the text. Pull quotes from passages, articles, novels, etc. What every source document you have. Must be MLA format Always introduce your quotes, or LEAD IN In the text it states that, “___________” (p.#). In the article by Joe Smith he writes that, “_____________”(p.#). In passage B Williams writes, “_________________”. E (Explain) Explain how your evidence supports your answer This quote shows that___________ In the quote it explains that__________ Through this quote we can conclude that__________

4 S(Sum it up) Your last sentence should wrap up your entire paragraph, look back at your restate. End with a summary sentence Thus, _____________ In summary, ___________________


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