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Lymphatic & Immune Systems

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1 Lymphatic & Immune Systems
Chapter 6

2 Lymphatic system Related Word Parts (Combining Forms) lymph/o
The Lymphatic System Network of vessels that picks up excess tissue fluid, cleanses it, and returns it to circulatory system Picks up fats absorbed by digestive system Fluid is called “lymph” Related Word Parts (Combining Forms) lymph/o

3 Three functions Includes foreign invaders = pathogens
First, removes excess tissue fluid Collects excess tissue fluid throughout body Purifies it as it passes through system Returns it to circulatory system Lymph = fluid within lymphatic vessels Second, lacteals around the small intestine assist with fat absorption Pick up absorbed fats Delivers to circulatory system for redistribution in body Third, lymphatic and immune systems work together Form a group of cells, tissues, organs, & molecules Body’s primary defense against pathogens Includes foreign invaders = pathogens Cells that have become diseased and need to be disposed of

4 Lymph Vessels Network of vessels throughout body
One-way pipes conducting lymph from tissues toward thoracic cavity Low pressure system Uses valves to prevent backflow Combining Form lymphangi/o

5 Drainage system Lymph capillaries absorb excess fluid
One-way system of lymph vessels Join to larger vessels – lymph ducts Finally empty: from the right side of body into Right Lymphatic Duct From left side of body into Thoracic Duct These ducts empty into their respective sub-clavian veins Then return to main circulation for final disposal

6 Lymph Nodes Number – 400-700 Primary Function
Produce specialized lymphocytes that destroy pathogens Filter harmful substances from lymph Related Word Parts (Combining Forms) lymphaden/o

7 3 main Cervical lymph nodes=located along side of the neck
Axillary lymph node=located under the arm Inguinal lymph node=located in the inguinal area

8 Lymph Nodes Also called lymph glands But not real glands
Composed of lymphatic tissue Located along route of lymphatic vessels

9 Lymph Nodes

10 Lymphocytes Also known as Lymphoid cells Three types: Primary Function
Natural killer cells – kill cancer cells and those infected with viruses B cells-produce antibodies coded to destroy specific antigens T cells-help destroy foreign cells and assisted other WBC Primary Function Play an important role in immune reactions Related Word Parts (Combining Forms) lymphocyt/o

11 Tonsils Location: nasopharynx, palatine, lingual
All contain a large number of leukocytes Act as filters Prevent invasion of pathogens through digestive or respiratory systems Not required for life and can safely be removed if they become a continuous site of infection Related Word Parts (Combining Forms) tonsill/o adenoid/o

12 Tonsils and Adenoids

13 Tonsils and Adenoids

14 Vermiform appendix Researchers say the appendix produces and protects good germs for the gut by "rebooting" the digestive system The human digestive system contains massive amounts of bacteria most of which are good and help the digestion of food. The appendix is near the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine and has abundant infection-fighting lymphoid cells, which suggests it plays a role in the immune system

15 Spleen Primary Function Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
Filters foreign materials from the blood Maintains the appropriate balance between cells and plasma in the blood Destroys old, worn-out blood cells, acts as a blood reservoir, and stores platelets Related Word Parts (Combining Forms) splen/o Note: This is spelled with only one e What role does it play in mononucleosis?

16 Spleen

17 Bone Marrow Primary Function Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
Produces blood cells Related Word Parts (Combining Forms) myel/o

18 How we defend ourselves
Immunity & the Immune Response

19 Immune Response – Antibodies v Antigens
Antigens – Any substance that the body regards as foreign Include: bacteria, viruses, transplanted tissue, toxins – Antibodies are the proteins that bind to the invading antigen, labeling it for destruction by other cells of the immune system

20 immunoglobulins Specific antibodies Bind with specific antigens
Secreted by plasma cells Five Types – Table 6.1 P 177

21 Natural Immunity Also called innate or passive immunity
Either present at birth or endowed through breast milk Not specific to a particular disease Doesn’t require prior exposure to pathogen Different types of specialized cells help with innate immunity

22 Acquired Immunity Active acquired immunity
Develops following direct exposure to pathogen Stimulates immune response – series of mechanisms designed to neutralize pathogen Leaves individual with antibodies coded to specific antigen Immunizations or vaccinations are special types of active acquired immunity Vaccine: preparation containing killed whole or partial antigens, designed to stimulate an immune response

23 Lymphedema Swelling due to abnormal accumulation of fluid within the tissues Caused by damage to system, preventing adequate drainage Lymph is protein-rich, where pathogens thrive, it is often assoc with infection Two types: Primary – hereditary, occurrence mostly females, at puberty, with edema starting in LE & spreading upwards Secondary – caused by injury, burns, Ca treatment, surgery Treatment – compression, exercise, infection- prevention

24 Immune system - pathology
The immune system effectiveness depends on: General health Age – very young or very old people have increased tendency for compromise in their immune system Heredity – genetic predisposition to immunocompromise

25 Allergic reactions Occur when the body recognizes relatively harmless items as pathogenic, releasing histamine in response Allergy = hypersensitivity – overreaction to a particular substance Allergen = the particular substance Localized response = cellular response, wherein localized itching/swelling occurs – poison ivy Anaphylaxis = systemic response – wholesale allergic response – rapid, life- threatening, demands immediate intervention – Fig 6.7, p 180

26 Autoimmune Disorders Conditions where the immune system recognizes normal healthy tissue as a pathogen and starts to attack Most commonly inherited/genetic predisposition Occurrence is mostly in females

27 Autoimmune Disorders Rheumatoid Arthritis- joint and connective tissue Crohn’s Disease-intestines or colon Multiple Sclerosis-brain and spinal cord Graves disease- thyroid gland Lupus- WBC

28 Immunodeficiency disorders
Occur when the immune system fails to work properly HIV – bloodborne infection – virus damages T cells, causing it to progressively fail, leaving the body susceptible to any and all pathogens AIDS = most advanced and fatal stage of HIV

29 Immune system - procedures
Scratch test – gives info about which items cause allergic response Fig 6.8, p181 Antihistamines – block histamine receptors, so minimize the effects of histamine and therefore the response ELISA – blood test for HIV Western Blot Test – blood test, more accurate fthen ELISA – confirms HIV

30 Bacteria One celled organisms Most are not harmful to humans
Anthrax- from infected livestock; used in biological warfare Lyme disease- from infected deer tick, effects joints, heart, CNS Staphylococcus aureus-infects open would or can cause problems such as toxic shock syndrome or food poisioning.

31 Methicillin-resisant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Bacteria that I resistant to most antibiotics Small red bumps with black top that become abscesses Series, difficult to treat, can be fatel

32 Viruses Live by invading other cells Influenza
Measles-transmitted by respiratory droplets; red itchy rash over most of the body, high fever, runny nose or coughing. May include photophobia Mumps Rubella Rabies

33 Medication Antibiotics
anti (against) + bio (life) + tic (pertaining to) Prevent or slows growth and destroys Do not work on vires WHY DO WE TAKE ALL? Antiviral Drugs Anti + vir (virus) + tic Treats symptoms and may provide temporary immunity

34 oncology

35 oncology Study of prevention causes and treatment of tumors and cancer
Tumor = neoplasm = abnormal growth of cells – rapid, uncontrolled, abnormal Benign – not cancerous, but can grow quickly and put pressure on surrounding structures Malignant – form of cancer, can spread to distant parts of body, involving other systems and becoming life-threatening

36 oncology Cancer = uncontrolled division of cells and invasion of other tissues, either locally by growth, or distantly by metastasizing To Metastasize – ca moves from primary to secondary site Two types: Carcinoma – malignant cancer of epithelial tissue eg adenocarcinoma Sarcoma – malignant cancer of connective tissue Hard tissue = bone/cartilage = osteosarcoma Soft tissue = muscle, fat fibrous, lymphatic, blood vessel tissues, eg synovial sarcoma of the knee Liquid tissue = blood & lymph, eg leukemia

37 Lymphomas Malignancy affecting the lymph tissues
Could include all organs of the system Most common: Hodgkins Lymphoma – Hodgkins disease – most common, characterized by large, cancerous lymphocytes = Reed-Sternberg cells Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma - term used to describe all other lymphomas

38 Breast Cancer Various types dep on site and spread
Ductal ca in situ – earliest stage before it has broken through the milk duct wall = stage 0 Infiltrating ductal ca – aka invasive ductal carcinoma – starts in duct and invades local fatty tissue = majority of all breast ca’s = stage I Infiltrating/invasive lobular ca = invasion into lymph nodes and can migrate to other tissues = stage II Inflammatory breast ca/IBC – rare, but very aggressive - -> pain, redness, rash, increased breast size, lymph node swelling – only detectable by MRI Male breast ca – same kinds, smaller amt of tissue – Tom Cruise

39 Staging breast cancer Stage 0 – IV
Dep on size, lymph node involvement, presence of metastases Stage 0 - localized, no spread Stage I – beyond duct, but not to nodes Stage II – increased size and reached the axillary nodes Stage III – spread to cervical lymph nodes and tissues surrounding the breast – skin, chest wall Stage IV – cancer has metastasized to other organs – brain, bone, lung, liver.

40 detection BSE – monthly – usually best after menstruation
Prof palpation – by clinician at well-woman checks Mammography – various types available Ultrasound – follow up after questionable mammogram Needle biopsy – rad-guided removal of small sample of cells Surgical biopsy – small incision to obtain tissue samples after needle biopsy Sentinel node biopsy – removal of cells from first node to come into contact with ca cells Lymph node dissection – removal of group of nodes to determine or slow spread of ca

41 Surgical treatment of breast ca
Lumpectomy – removal just of the cancerous tissue – fig 6.17, p 191 Mastectomy – removal of entire breast and nipple Radical mastectomy – removal of breast and many surrounding tissues Modified radical mastectomy – breast, and lymph nodes Reconstruction – alternative to wearing an external prosthesis Immediate – expander is placed during mastectomy surgery to prep tissue for implant Delayed – until after radiation tx is complete.

42 Cancer treatments Combination of surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy
Surgery – usually removal of ca and small amt of surrounding healthy tissue (+ one or multiple lymph nodes). May be laser or cryosurgery Chemotherapy – endless variety of options to blend meds: Radiation therapy – either local or using imaging assist devices

43 Pop Question 1 Which of the following is NOT a formed element of the blood? Erythrocytes Plasma Leukocytes Platelets

44 Answer 1 Which of the following is NOT a formed element of the blood?
Erythrocytes Plasma Leukocytes Platelets

45 Pop Question 2 Which blood type is the universal donor? Type A Type B
Type AB Type O

46 Answer 2 Which blood type is the universal donor? Type A Type B
Type AB Type O

47 Pop Question 3 Which is NOT an organ of the lymphatic system?
Lymph node Spleen Liver Tonsil

48 Answer 3 Which is NOT an organ of the lymphatic system? Lymph node
Spleen Liver Tonsil

49 Pop Question 4 Axillary lymph nodes are located in the: Neck Groin
Chest Underarm

50 Answer 4 Axillary lymph nodes are located in the: Neck Groin Chest

51 Pop Question 5 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of inflammation? Hot to touch Pain Swelling Blue-black color

52 Answer 5 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of inflammation? Hot to touch Pain Swelling Blue-black color

53 Pop Question 6 Which of the following is a life-threatening allergic reaction? Anaphylactic shock Graft versus host disease Kaposi’s reaction Urticaria

54 Answer 6 Which of the following is a life-threatening allergic reaction? Anaphylactic shock Graft versus host disease Kaposi’s reaction Urticaria

55 Pop Question 7 Which of the following is a type of cancer? Sarcoidosis
Elephantiasis Hodgkin’s disease SCIDS

56 Answer 7 Which of the following is a type of cancer? Sarcoidosis
Elephantiasis Hodgkin’s disease SCIDS

57 Pop Question 8 Which of the following is a diagnostic test for AIDS?
Monospot Scratch test Type and crossmatch ELISA

58 Answer 8 Which of the following is a diagnostic test for AIDS?
Monospot Scratch test Type and crossmatch ELISA

59 Pop Question 9 A(n) ________ transfusion uses blood from another person. Plasma Homologous Hematinic Autologous

60 Answer 9 A(n) ________ transfusion uses blood from another person.
Plasma Homologous Hematinic Autologous

61 Pop Question 10 Which of the following medications works to dissolve existing clots? Thrombolytic Hematinic Anticoagulant Antihemorrhagic

62 Answer 10 Which of the following medications works to dissolve existing clots? Thrombolytic Hematinic Anticoagulant Antihemorrhagic

63 Pop Question 11 Which of the following medications is useful for treating allergies? Immunosuppressant Reverse transcriptase Antihistamine Protease inhibitor

64 Answer 11 Which of the following medications is useful for treating allergies? Immunosuppressant Reverse transcriptase Antihistamine Protease inhibitor

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