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Utility arborist assoc. Safety Summit 2017 Safety Commitments

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1 Utility arborist assoc. Safety Summit 2017 Safety Commitments

2 My small daily deposit tomorrow will be:
A commitment to a legacy of safety involves daily investments into your Experience, Training and Education. My small daily deposit tomorrow will be: “Gear tracking” “Take what I learned here and spread word to others.” “To educate myself in new areas of the industry.” “I’m going to spread the knowledge I learned the past two days with my team and research further on appropriate gear inspection.” “Download inspection application” “A full inspection of my equipment and everyone else’s that I come across.” “Share and extend the benefits of this safety summit to other workers.” “Listening to the experiences of others to expand my own experience.”

3 My small daily deposit tomorrow will be:
A commitment to a legacy of safety involves daily investments into your Experience, Training and Education. My small daily deposit tomorrow will be: “I will begin reading my CTSP training guide” “Humility” “Be committed to use PPE when doing work at home and at work” “To act and follow up on what I know and not wait a day or a week or a month. Act right away, be proactive.” “I will remind all crews to be their own risk managers. Safety starts at the personal level.” “Training new crew members” “Document everything I can remember and use from this conference and bring it to our crews to improve safety.” “To bring more safety discussion and actions on a crew level, be a brother’s keeper.” “Work with our safety director to help him do his job a lot better, help him in all ways.”

4 My small daily deposit tomorrow will be:
A commitment to a legacy of safety involves daily investments into your Experience, Training and Education. My small daily deposit tomorrow will be: “Improve security communication to the field.” “Not texting and driving.” “More attentive driving.” “I will inspect my high-vis vest to see if it needs to be replaced with a new one.” “To be more aware of gear inspections and check on a daily basis.” “Slow down and do it safe.” “Being more aware of roadside hazards especially with winter coming soon.” “Proper rope and equipment inspection and tracking.” “Start learning how to do the right inspections on gear.” “Becoming a better communicator and team leader.” “Communication Communication Communication” “Better record keeping on hostile customers and equipment inspection.”

5 My small daily deposit tomorrow will be:
A commitment to a legacy of safety involves daily investments into your Experience, Training and Education. My small daily deposit tomorrow will be: “To have the patience with the new employees to keep them safe and knowledgeable in our industry so they can prosper and go home at night” “Review driving in poor weather conditions and what to do if I become stranded, what to have with me at all times.” “Talking to my crews about being open and talking to me about near-miss, and let them know there will be no discipline for them when they bring the near-miss to my attention. We will be able to talk through and learn from the incident.” “Slow down and make sure my trainers understand what I am teaching.” “To engage with crews more often about situational awareness to increase not only mine but others’ as well.” “Learning that your look / appearance is a key to making a better relationship with your customers’ behavior.” “Learning / brushing up on Spanish phrases that relate to this industry.”

6 My small daily deposit tomorrow will be:
A commitment to a legacy of safety involves daily investments into your Experience, Training and Education. My small daily deposit tomorrow will be: “To be the knowledgeable arborist that I’m meant to be.” “Working on keeping an eye on not only myself, but helping my coworkers to get home every night.” “To provide crews the know-how to identify hazards in the field and to teach crews to be able to push it forward.” “To be the knowledgeable arborist that I’m meant to be.” “Make sure everyone stays focused on the task at hand.” “To provide crews the know-how to identify hazards in the field and to teach crews to be able to push it forward.” “Working on keeping an eye on not only myself, but helping my coworkers to get home every night.”

7 My small daily deposit tomorrow will be:
A commitment to a legacy of safety involves daily investments into your Experience, Training and Education. My small daily deposit tomorrow will be: “A continued effort to expand training and improve communication.” “To commit to teach and share as much experience I can with everybody that will listen.” “Quality time with employees and crews” “Always thinking safe” “Making small deposits on training new guys and myself” “Understand, learn by and utilize near misses to ensure it will help eliminate an incident / accident.” “Live each day as if it’s your last and be a better person.” “Things I learn today will last a lifetime.” “Make sure everyone stays focused on the task at hand.”

8 My small daily deposit tomorrow will be:
A commitment to a legacy of safety involves daily investments into your Experience, Training and Education. My small daily deposit tomorrow will be: “To take a few extra seconds to think about all possible outcomes. Measure twice, cut once!” “Spread word of safety” “My daily deposit tomorrow and every day will be to always be keeping my eye on those I work around…My brother’s keeper. Seeing mistakes before they happen.” “Pushing safety on my crew members each day, not to turn a blind eye to the small things we see as being unimportant.” “The commitment to safety will be a priority. This will be a major focus in my life. Thank you.” “Don’t take life for granted” “Seek more education”

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