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What happens during the gestation period and birth?

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Presentation on theme: "What happens during the gestation period and birth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What happens during the gestation period and birth?
08 April 2019 What happens during the gestation period and birth? Key terms: gestation period All: I can recall the length of the gestation period in humans and identify the stages of growth during this period. Most: I can describe what happens during labour. Some: I can explain why breast milk is best for newborn babies. Starter: What is this?

2 What is this? What has happened to get to this stage? What will happen next? How will the baby get bigger?

3 Challenge question: Why do women have to go for ultrasounds during pregnancy?

4 TASK: Development of a baby
M – cards I – pod groups N – quietly T – 1 minute Match up the picture and the stage. Put the stages in order.

5 fertilised egg cell embryo foetus new born baby
How does a new human get the substances it needs for growth and development from the first cell to being a 1-year old baby? Embryo day 41 Links to nourishment?

6 Human gestation period = 280 days / 40 weeks / 9 months
Key definition: Gestation period: The length of time from fertilisation to birth. Human gestation period = 280 days / 40 weeks / 9 months

7 TASK: Birth M – classbook I – individually N – quietly T – 10 mins
p.35 Bronze Silver Gold Write 3 sentences describing the birth of a baby. Create a flow chart to show stages in birth of a baby. Write a paragraph explaining what happens during birth. Human flow chart review – pick a student to start, move across the class switching up which row you take a response from. Extension: Why is breast milk considered best for new born babies?

8 What substances can harm a developing baby? How do they harm them?

9 All: Most: Some: Confidence Check Not confident In between
Super confident All: I can recall the length of the gestation period in humans and identify the stages of growth during this period. Most: I can describe what happens during labour. Assess pupils by asking them to express their confidence in their achievement from 1-5 for the lesson aims. Some: I can explain why breast milk is best for newborn babies.

10 Plenary: Something to tweet about?
Write a 140 character tweet about the something you have learnt in the topic so far. #scienceisamazing

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