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Russia & the Eurasian Republics

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1 Russia & the Eurasian Republics
Chapter 11

2 Bell Ringer March 18, 2019 Page 311 – Map Lab
What is the elevation of the Ural Mountains? How does the elevation of the Steppes compare with the Ural Mountains? Determine how density differs west and far east of the Urals. What physical features contributes to the population distribution? About 2000 ft. / The steppes are lower Plains and lower elevations contribute to the denser population distribution west of the Urals

3 Physical Geography of Russia & Central Asia
World’s largest country – 6000 miles east to west Lies on two continents – Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains: dividing line between the two continents. Steppes: Very Large Plains

4 Physical Geography Natural Barriers: Oceans to the North; Mountains to the south Russia & Central Asia isolated from each other Half Russia: permafrost Central Asia: Largely desert Most Russians live west of the Ural Mts.

5 Climate & Vegetation Tundra: flat frozen land in artic in Siberia
Taiga: Forest area – valuable timber Western Plains - farming

6 Natural Resources Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Peat,
Hydroelectric Power from Rivers Mineral Resources: Iron, Aluminum, Gold, Copper, etc. Many resources in Siberia are hard to get.

7 “ “You Do” – Page 316-317 Exploring Siberian Lakes – Viewing Lab
Analyze Visuals, Interpret Models, Analyze Cause & Effect How might Katey Anthony’s work in Siberia be applied to other places in the world? List causes & effects of methane release using a chart. How does this contribute to global warming? Researchers can use her work & findings to locate other places where methane gas is being released Climate Change -> Permafrost thaws -> Increase in Methane Increase in Methane -> Global Warming

8 Essential Question How have size and extreme climates shaped Russia and the Eurasian Republics? The Oceans & Mountains are natural barriers that have isolated Russia People live in the western Part of Russia due to climate Farming is concentrated in the western plains.

9 Bell Ringer March 19, 2019 Page 321 – Map Lab
Why did the main route on the Silk Road split between Kashgar and Dunhuang? Why was Samarkand an important stop? Split because of the desert Samarkand was half way

10 History of Russia Mostly Asian influence until Peter the Great : 1682 – 1725 Modernized Russia St Petersburg -> more Western European Catherine the Great: Focused on Art & Education – European Ideas – Women’s Education

11 Scorched Earth Policy Napoleon Invades Russia:
Russian Troops retreat, burning everything in their path Napoleon has nowhere to “Winter” his soldiers Over 400,000 French soldiers died Hitler Invades Russia: Scorched Earth Policy kills over 295,000 Nazis.

12 Industrialization to Russian Revolution
Industrial Revolution: 1890s Workers very poor Peasant farmers starving Worker Strikes -> political unrest Lenin: Bolsheviks – Russian Revolution 1917

13 The Soviet Union Communism: single political party controls the government & economy Socialism: government controls economic resources Bolsheviks ended private ownership of land and resources Established a “Classless” society. No rich or poor. 1927 – 1953 –> Josef Stalin USSR is isolated Cold War with U.S. Did not work – Standard of living low

14 Essential Question What factors have influenced the Region’s history?
Russia adopted European ideas under Peter the Great & Catherine Peasants & industrial workers - Communist rule

15 Bell Ringer March 20,2019 Page 329 In the propaganda poster, what are the figures holding and what do they represent? How do you think the poster was supposed to make the Russian people feel? Soldier: Military – Strength Man holding flowers – grain: Agriculture/provision Man looking up: looking to the future Man holding flag: patriotism Hope/ Pride/ Patriotism

16 Trans-Siberian Railroad
World’s Longest continuous railroad – 6,000 miles Links Moscow with Eastern Russia 1891 – 1916 Transformed Siberia -> New Cities Steam engines -> Now Electric

17 Collapse of the Soviet Union
1970s & 1980s -> Economy failed Eurasian Republics claimed their independence Mikhail Gorbachev – introduced reforms Perestroika: Restructuring - > less gov’t control Glasnost: Openness -> led to protest> ultimate collapse

18 Bell Ringer March 22, 2019 Page 327 Graph: Which industry grew the least between 1890 & 1900? The most? Why do you think they grew at these rates? Cotton grew slowly because agriculture was de-emphasized and pig iron grew due to the industrial revolution.

19 Russia Today Large gap between the rich and poor Higher prices
Unemployment Organized crime Western Siberia -> Booming!

20 Essential Question How has Russia dealt with recent political & economic & environmental change? Reformed gov’t & economy Oil & Natural Gas are greatest sources of wealth Western Siberia is booming New Gas Pipelines.

21 Bell Ringer March 26, 2019 Page 335 – Photo Lab
Why might the “YURT” being movable be important for nomadic herders in Central Asia? In what way does the women’s clothing reflect the climate in each region? In what ways has climate influenced traditional culture in Siberia, Central Asia, & the Steppes? Because nomadic people move often Cold –> Furs, Dry –> a dress & scarf, Moderate –> clothes for the field Climate determines what animals can survive in each area & human lives are based on that. In the Steppes –> people farm

22 Bell Ringer March 28, 2018 Page 347 – Reading Lab
What damage did the Chernobyl disaster cause to the environment? How will it continue to affect people in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia? It contaminated agriculture, forest land, rivers, and lakes Contamination remains in the soil and water. People’s health will continue to suffer.

23 Chapter Review The Ural Mountains are a natural barrier & divider of what? Northern European Plain from West Siberian Plain Agriculture and grazing are found in what landform in Russia? The Steppes High latitudes & arctic winds cause what in Russia? Cold Climate

24 Permafrost in Siberia keeps Russia from obtaining what?
Oil and Minerals What is coming from Siberia’s lakes that can contribute to Global Warming? Methane Livestock grazing is compatible with the arid climate in what part of this region? Central Asia

25 The Scorched Earth policy was used against what French Emperor?
Napoleon When one political party controls both the government and the economy Communism What did Mikhail Gorbachev try to do for Soviet Union? Reform its economy & gov’t

26 Where is Tundra found? Arctic and Subarctic regions Hitler made the same mistake as Napoleon by doing what? Invading Russia in the Winter What years did Josef Stalin rule over The Soviet Union?

27 What happened to the Soviet Union in 1991?
Communism collapsed What do nomads do to find food? They move from one place to another What helps the world by linking Asia to Europe? Trans Siberian Railroad

28 The Republics of the Soviet Union wanting independence contributed to what?
The Collapse of the Soviet Union Who wanted to reduce government control over the Soviet economy? Mikhail Gorbachev The United States Congress is most like Russia’s what? Federal Assembly

29 Pipelines are transporting oil from what large body of water in Russia?
The Caspian Sea A nuclear reactor exploded in what former Soviet Republic? Chernobyl, Ukraine

30 A Russian word meaning “Restructuring”
Perestroika Gorbachev allowed people to speak freely – Glasnost Russian ruler for hundreds of years Czar

31 Eastern Europe competing for influence against the Western nations without actually fighting
Cold War This forest stretches about 4000 miles across Russia Taiga

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