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Directions Staple “The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt” Notes on page 60 of your ISN. Fill in each section on the different Kingdoms and Pharaohs of Egypt as.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions Staple “The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt” Notes on page 60 of your ISN. Fill in each section on the different Kingdoms and Pharaohs of Egypt as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions Staple “The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt” Notes on page 60 of your ISN. Fill in each section on the different Kingdoms and Pharaohs of Egypt as we discuss each one.

2 King Menes King Menes created the Double Crown and established the first capital of Egypt at Memphis 8

3 Pharaoh Djoser Pharaoh Djoser had his architect, Imhotep build a great burial tomb which started out as a mastaba, or tomb, but became the Step Pyramid. 8

4 Pharaoh Djoser Djoser also stopped a famine by honoring the Egyptian God Khnum 9

5 Imhotep - Pyramid Designer / Engineer

6 Mastabas 11 -Use Egyptian laborers and craftsmen, NOT slaves
-Wanted it to be a tourist destination 11

7 Step Pyramid of Djoser 12 -Stacked Mastabas one on top of another
-First of its kind; made of limestone bricks and not clay brick 12

8 Step Pyramid of Djoser 13 -Trees and reeds carved on the side
-Field of Reeds = Egyptian Afterlife 13

9 Pharaoh Sneferu Developed the building of Egyptian pyramids through practice. Built the pyramid at Meidum Built the Bent Pyramid Built the Red Pyramid where he was buried. -Lead raids into Nubia and Libya for riches 14

10 Sneferu’s Pyramid at Meidum
-Started as a Step Pyramid (like Pharaoh Djosers) but then refined into a true pyramid 15

11 Sneferu’s Bent Pyramid
-The first “true” pyramid; looks bent because of alterations during construction 16

12 Sneferu’s Red Pyramid -Sneferu’s burial place 17

13 Pharaoh Khufu / Cheops Son of Pharaoh Sneferu
Built the Great Pyramid on the Plateau of Giza. Largest of the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt Herodotus said he was a cruel, brutal ruler, but Egyptian history suggests he was benevolent and wise 18

14 Khufu’s Pyramid - The Great Pyramid
-Took about 23 years to complete; 2.3 million bricks; built by conscripted labor, not slaves -Was 485 feet, then weathered to 451 19

15 Look at the size of the pyramid blocks...
-Each brick is 2.5 tons;about as much as a rhino 20

16 Khafre’s Pyramid -Khafre was Khufu’s son 24

17 Khafre’s Pyramid 25

18 Khafre’s Sphinx 26

19 Khafre’s Sphinx 27

20 Khafre’s Sphinx 28

21 Pharaoh Menkaure Son of Khafre
Built smallest pyramid on Plateau of Giza -Became a ruler when he was very old; worried that he would die before his pyramid was finished -Very religious 29

22 Menkaure’s Pyramid -Plot twist: he did 30

23 Menkaure’s Pyramid 31


25 Queen / Pharaoh Hatshepsut
Wife of Thutmose II When Thutmose II died, his son Thutmose III was too young to rule, so Hatshepsut took the throne. Hatshepsut transformed herself from a queen to the first female Pharaoh. -Thutmose II had a skin disease and died early -Claimed the sun god Ra spoke to her and allowed her to rule; people accepted it 33

26 Queen / Pharaoh Hatshepsut
Pharaoh Hatshepsut often wore men’s clothing and men’s beards YET, since she brought new trade to Egypt, the people did not care 33

27 Queen Hatshepsut’s Mummy
Queen Hatshepsut’s mummy was found buried in her temple in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings. 34

28 Queen Hatshepsut’s Temple
Queen Hatshepsut had this temple built as a tomb for both her and her husband Thutmose II. It is located in an area called the Valley of the Kings where many other pharaohs are also buried. -Her successor, her nephew Thutmose III, scratched her name out of the temple walls and destroyed many of her monuments 35

29 Queen Nefertiti Wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten
Considered the “ideal” beauty in Egyptian society. May have been even more famous than her husband, the pharaoh. -The bust in the center was rediscovered in 1913 37

30 Queen Nefertiti’s full name was Nefereneferuaten
-This means “Beautiful are the beauties of Aten, a Beautiful Woman has come.” -...that’s pretty much all we know about here. She could have *possibly* ruled 38

31 Tutankhamen / King Tut Known as the “boy king” because ruled and died at such a young age (maybe 18 or 19 years old). His tomb was untouched when found by Egyptologists in 1922. Tried to build better relationship with neighbors, but fought battle over trade. “The Curse of King Tut” -He was only in power for nine years, from 1332 BCE to 1323 BCE 40

32 Found in King Tut’s Tomb with his mummy
King Tut Burial Mask Found in King Tut’s Tomb with his mummy -It took 17 years to excavate all of the tomb -Murals on the wall showed his funeral and trip into the afterlife 41

33 King Tut’s Sarcophagus
A collection of the items found in King Tut’s tomb can be seen in a museum in Cairo, Egypt. -King Tut died due to gangrene infection as a result of a broken leg 43

34 King Tut’s Sarcophagus
-He also had malaria and a club food, requiring a cane to walk 44

35 King Tut’s Mummy 44

36 END OF MIDDLE KINGDOM Aaaaand the start of homework!

37 Pharaoh Ramses II A strong military leader.
Participated in the first written treaty with the Hittites. Had many wives and more than 100 children. Ruled over Egypt for 67 years… Pharaoh for longest period. 49

38 Pharaoh Ramses II Temple/Tomb

39 Pharaoh Ramses II Statues

40 Pharaoh Ramses II mummy

41 Cleopatra Seen as the last true Egyptian Queen before Egypt was taken over by foreign invaders. 55

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