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Skills being practiced:

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1 Skills being practiced:
Year 8 English Homework Tasks | Term: Spring 2 | Topic: Modern Text: Stone Cold by Robert Swindells Instructions: Each week you will complete one piece of homework. This will be either one of the activities below, or revision from your Knowledge Organiser for a test in class. Your teacher will let you know what homework activity you’re doing and when this should be handed in. Skills being practiced: Reading Skills: Show your understanding of what you have read by using quotations and analysing the effect of these on the audience or reader. Writing Skills: Show off your range of vocabulary, your understanding of grammar and your ability to write creatively. Research Challenge: You will need to use a computer or a library to help you find the information needed to complete this task. Homework activity: How does Robert Swindells make the reader feel sorry for Link? Write an extended MQA paragraph to explain your response. Use the quotation below to help you, or use a quotation that you have found in the lesson. M – Robert Swindells uses… Q – Link states: ‘I felt like I’d spend the rest of my life being pushed around’ A – Literally… Metaphorically… Symbolically… Write a descriptive account of arriving in a big city. Think about the following 5-part plan to help you structure your writing: The sights, sounds and your feelings; Describe your surroundings in detail; The people around you; How do people treat you? How do you feel about home now? When you have finished, check your writing for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Use your Gem dictionary to help you. Research and write down the difference between ‘dialect’ and ‘accent.’ Research and write down a regional dialect word for each of these five places: Yorkshire dialect; Scottish dialect; Leicestershire dialect; Irish dialect; Cornish dialect. Don’t forget to check your spellings and word choice by using your Gem when completing your homework. These are available to buy on Parent Pay or through Mrs Parker, E5.

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