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Chapter 5 Section 2 How did the French and Indian War draw the colonists closer together but create friction with the British?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Section 2 How did the French and Indian War draw the colonists closer together but create friction with the British?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Section 2 How did the French and Indian War draw the colonists closer together but create friction with the British?

2 I.Effects of French and Indian War…
A.France loses N. American possessions. B.Br. Left with large debt. C.Colonists develop sense of unity.

3 D.Colonists begin settling in Ohio River Valley.
E.Native Americans resist colonists settling in Ohio River Valley.

4 II.Proclamation of 1763 A. Banned colonial settlements W. of line drawn along Appalachian Mountains.

5 III. British Rule leads to conflict
A.After war colonists expect Britain to be grateful.

6 B.Britain is in debt after the war.
1. More expenses continued because they kept troops in the colonies after the war. Why??

7 2.Britain believed that colonists should help to pay debt.

8 IV. Sugar Act A.1764 1. Parliament passes
B.It stated that a duty or import tax would be placed on several items including molasses.

9 V. Quartering act A. What was this?
1.People of the colonies had to house and feed the British troops. 2.Helped Britain to save money.

10 VI.The Stamp Act A. 1765 1. Required all colonists to buy a special tax stamp for products and activities

11 2. Colonists protested 3. Boycotted British goods Def-

12 VII. October 1765 A. Delegates from 9 colonies gathered to send a petition to the King. 1. What is a petition?

13 B. King ended Stamp and Sugar act.
1.Passed Declaratory Act a. What was it? That Britain had total control over the Colonies

14 VIII. Townshend Act A. 1767 1.King tried to pass laws that would not anger the colonists.

15 B. Britain would no longer tax products and activities inside the colonies.
c. But, tax products brought into the colonies.

16 IX.Writs of assistance This law allowed officials to make searches of homes without cause.

17 X.Boston Massacre A. March 1770
1. Britain got rid of all import taxes except on tea 2. Colonists did not agree

18 3. In March of 1770 colonists surrounded a small group of British soldiers
4. Threw snow balls and yelled at them

19 5. Soldiers fired into the crowd killing 5
6. Soldiers tried for murder Represented by whom?

20 In Conclusion… When colonists heard the Townshend Acts had been repealed they were overjoyed. But the dispute over taxes was not settled. Before long, colonists would face other crises that would lead to armed resistance.

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