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UNITED STATES AT WAR War Industries Board …

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Presentation on theme: "UNITED STATES AT WAR War Industries Board …"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITED STATES AT WAR War Industries Board …
Food Administration … Committee on Public Information … Selective Service Act …

2 UNITED STATES AT WAR Great Migration (African Americans) …

3 UNITED STATES AT WAR Read pages 404 & 405 from “The Nineteenth Amendment Expands Political Rights” to end of 405. How did WWI impact passage of the 19th Amendment?

4 UNITED STATES IN WWI Composition of the United States Military during WWI ( ) … Native Americans, 25% of eligible males serve in WWI Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 … Recognition of military service in WWI

5 Discouraging Opposition
(1) Why did the U.S. government pass the Espionage Act of 1917? (2) Summarize the cases of Charles Schenck and Eugene Debs. (3) Which arguments are better – those limiting or expanding free speech?

6 Discouraging Opposition
Espionage Act of 1917 … Sedition Act of 1918 …

7 German Spring Offensive, 1918
Last attempt to defeat the Allies before American contributions ** What was the major consequence?

8 Allies Hundred Day Offensive
Aug. 8 to Nov. 11, last stage of the war ** Why was this so effective?

9 President Wilson and his “14 Points”

10 President Wilson and his “14 Points”
Read pages 469 – “Wilson Wants Peace Without Victory” to 472 – “America Rejects the Treaty of Versailles” What are some major issues the 14 Points addresses? Senator Henry Cabot Lodge spoke unabashedly about what? Why did the Allied leaders reject Wilson’s ideas?

11 Point 1 – Open alliances Points 2 & 3 – Open seas & Free Trade Points 4 – Reduction of “Arms” Point 5 – “Impartial adjustment” of colonial claims

12 Point “National Self-Determination” Point 14 – a “League of Nations”

13 Consequences of Treaty of Versailles
(1) Completely changes the map of Europe

14 Consequences of Treaty of Versailles

15 Consequences of Treaty of Versailles
(2) Completely changes the map of Middle East, Mandate System

16 Kurdish Peoples – Don’t have their own country

17 Consequences of Treaty of Versailles
(3) Severe punishment of Germany: including, war guilt clause & war reparations "The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments …” (4) Allied Powers take over German colonies

18 Consequences of WWI (1) Creates conditions for future wars … In Europe (Germany war guilt, reparations, loss of colonies & land, and disbanding military) … In Middle East (promises to many ethnic groups) (2) End of four empires (Germany, Russia, Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary) (3) Completely new maps in Europe and the Middle East (Nine new nations in Europe & Mandate System) (4) Tremendous loss of life, more than 17 million deaths (Military and civilians) (5) Expands power of governments over Economies (6) Economic prosperity for the United States

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