How Will History See… Basic HTC Lingo CHY4U Unit 1, Protestantism

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1 How Will History See… Basic HTC Lingo CHY4U Unit 1, Protestantism
HTC = historical thinking concepts

2 The Economist, Jan. 19-25, 2013, Cover.

3 Primary Evidence To answer Obama’s question future historians would need to look at evidence from his time in office:

4 Interpretation “an account of the past reached by making inferences from sources; a single event can have multiple interpretations” Peter Seixas and Tom Morton, The Big Six Historical Thinking Concepts (Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd., 2013), glossary, 215.

5 Inference “conclusion based on reading between the lines of a source”

6 Context “the circumstances at the time of the creation of a source; the society and belief system in which the source was created as well as the historical events taking place at the time” P E R S I A T acronym helps you remember the various parts of a society Ibid.

7 Avoid Presentism “imposing the thoughts, beliefs, and values of today onto historical actors” Seixas and Morton, The Big Six, 215.

8 Historical Perspectives
Multiple perspectives on indulgences PROTESTANT VIEW CATHOLIC VIEW ______use of Church power _______ use of Church power _____ ___ help people get to heaven _______ people get to heaven C______ __________ source for rebuilding St. Peter’s in Rome _______ for both sellers and buyers ________ example of papal authority

9 Interwoven like sacredness and secularism
Continuity and Change Things that remain the same from the past Things that change from the past Interwoven like sacredness and secularism

10 Causes and Consequences
Who and/or what makes historical change? Individuals X Historical conditions / social forces Groups

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