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I. Why build a fire? A. warmth B. signal searchers

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2 I. Why build a fire? A. warmth B. signal searchers
C. disinfect water/cook food D. Keep animals away

3 II. Fire pit A. Why build one? 1. don’t burn down forest
2. keeps coals hot longer B. Where to build one? 1. bare ground a. clear dead leaves/needles for 4 feet around b. no dead branches overhead 2. about 4-6 feet away from shelter

4 C. The pit 1. dish shaped – gently sloping sides a. coals roll to center not out of pit b. keeps coals together so stay warm longer c. lets air flow in

5 2. Remove – a. damp rocks b. tree roots that could spread fire 3. line with sand if available 4. put layer of dry bark in bottom if ground is damp

6 III. Reflector A. Why bother 1. reflects heat back toward you/shelter
2. blocks wind from far side B. how to build 1. wall of rocks or sticks 2. smoother = better reflection 3. stakes behind to help hold 4. mud mixed with grass as cement

7 IV. Starting fires A. Tinder – light airy material – very dry!
1. dry grasses – shred and make into nest 2. dry inner bark pound & shred 3. down from flowers – thistle, goldenrod, cattail 4. twist and push material between fingers - separate fibers 5. goal = fibers as thin as thread 6. get rid of crumbly bits

8 B. Kindling – kindles fire
1. smallest – size of pencil led 2. up to –size of pencil C. Tipi set up 1. form a cone of smallest kindling 2. put tinder under the cone 3. leave opening in cone to light fire 4. face opening toward the wind a. when you light it your back will be toward wind b. after lit the wind will fan the fire into the tipi

9 V. Get a spark/flame A. Match 1. keep dry!!
2. easily put out by wind/rain B. Flint and Steel 1. Steel – back of knife/hatchet 2. flint, quartzite, chert, jasper 3. sparks must fall on tinder (get close!) 4. blow on sparks to generate flame

10 C. Bow Drill 1. spindle & fireboard a. very dry – standing dead, away from water, in sun b. medium hardness i. willow, poplar, cedar, sycamore (not pine) ii. Thumb nail test – able to make clean dent, - no crushing, not too hard c. spindle = smooth cylinder with rounded ends diameter of quarter 8 inches long d. fireboard = flat on both sides thick as a penny, 8-12 inches long, 2x width of spindle

11 2. Handhold a. fit in palm b. depression in center that fits spindle c. hard wood, rock, bone 3. Bow a. slightly bent stick 2-3 feet long c. loosely string cord i. permanent knot on one end ii. Adjustable knot on the other end iii. Twist spindle into string: so it feels like it wants to flip out

12 4. Drilling sockets a. set spindle upright on fireboard b. dig dent into fireboard just over ½ diameter of spindle c. dig dent into center of handhold

13 d. right knee on ground & left foot on fire board
e. socket mark close to instep f. lean chest on left knee & brace left hand on shin g. use handhold to hold spindle upright in socket h. hold bow in right hand – spin until round sockets form X92jFNBsNb3QegoX0EsKg&index=13

14 5. Notch a. cut notch from edge of fire board to near center of socket b. 1/8 of socket c. smooth cut all the way through fire board 6. grease handhold end of spindle a. oil from nose or hair b. fat c. slime mold =FLFX92jFNBsNb3QegoX0EsKg

15 7. Start the fire! a. put dry bark/tinder under fire board to catch spark b. put notch opening facing you c. start slow with little pressure d. increase pressure until get black dust e. when notch fills with dust speed up f. when lots of smoking dust do 10 fast g. use knife stick to push coal out of notch h. fan gently – then whistle it to life 

16 a. foil paper, paperclip, wire from headphones, pencil
D. other ways to get fire 1. lens a. camera, ice, bag/bottle water, glasses, pop can b. dark material best : absorbs light best 2. battery & metal a. foil paper, paperclip, wire from headphones, pencil b. battery from car, phone, flashlight, camera, watch 3. cell phone uses

17 VI. Use the fire to keep warm all night
A. Heat rocks or water 1. bring into shelter whey you go to bed 2. put under insulation with you B. Reflector & fire pit made of stone 1. stay warm after fire is out 2. radiate heat.

18 C. Set up fire to burn as long as possible
1. hardwood burns slower/longer a. oak –holds leaves all winter b. maple – red leaf buds, leaves on ground c. if its hard to cut its hardwood d. not trees with needles (those are all softwood) 2. large diameter pieces burn slower (less surface area)

19 3. layer fire with large diameter logs
a. dry hardwood b. damp hardwood c. green hardwood on top 4. automatic log feeder a. make a ramp with 2 logs set in Y-sticks b. line up logs along ramp to fall in as bottom log burns

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