30 Juin 2009C.BAULT1 REVERSE ENGINEERING BY LASER SCANNER 3D What is Reverse Engineering? Several kinds of measure instruments Tests done on a mockup Scan.

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Presentation on theme: "30 Juin 2009C.BAULT1 REVERSE ENGINEERING BY LASER SCANNER 3D What is Reverse Engineering? Several kinds of measure instruments Tests done on a mockup Scan."— Presentation transcript:

1 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT1 REVERSE ENGINEERING BY LASER SCANNER 3D What is Reverse Engineering? Several kinds of measure instruments Tests done on a mockup Scan of ATLAS calorimeter face How build surface from scans ? Conclusion Research and development shown here was been by: PH/DT/PO: Andréa CATINACCIO, Aurélie MAURISSET, Mark HATCH and Christophe BAULT Survey section managed by Christian LASSEUR

2 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT2 What is Reverse Engineering? Wikipedia definition: The reverse-engineering process involves measuring an object and then reconstructing it as a 3D model. The physical object can be measured using 3D scanning technologies. The measured data alone, usually represented as a point cloud, lacks topological information and is therefore often processed and modeled into a more usable format such as a triangular-faced mesh, a set of nurbs surfaces or a CAD model. Work Package:

3 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT3 What is Reverse Engineering? Exemple at CERN: Few exemples:

4 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT4 Several kinds of measure instruments With a scanner at the end of a harm Non mobile laser scanner Manual laser scanner Photogrammetry camera on support Slide extracted from Aurélies presentation

5 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT5 Tests done on a mockup Mockup for tests Scan of mockup shown on FARO software

6 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT6 Tests done on a mockup Cloud of point loaded on CATIAMesh done on CATIA

7 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT7 Scan of ATLAS calorimeter face (about 300 Millions points) Cloud of point loaded on Catia (a small part)

8 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT8 Scan of ATLAS calorimeter face Mesh on Catia

9 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT9 Scan of ATLAS calorimeter face Mesh on Catia (zoom)

10 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT10 Scan of ATLAS calorimeter face Insertion of mesh in a Catia 3D environment

11 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT11 How build surface from scans ? We have sawn sufaces built on Catia are not acceptable. So we foresee test several sofwares be able mesh cloud of point, and create nurbs to make a light surface: 3D Reshaper, Rapidform and Geomagic. Below: Surfaces of Atlas calorimeter face created on Geomagic

12 30 Juin 2009C.BAULT12 Conclusion What we have done: With Survey section, we have done a lot of research about Reverse Engineering methodology, type of laser scanner and softwares available on the market. We have done several tests of laserscanner with sub-contractor Work to do: Now, we have to test softwares, to learn their using, and take decisions about materials Cern should buy.

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