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Goal 5: Juvenile Law.

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1 Goal 5: Juvenile Law

2 Look for a Quiz on How a Bill becomes a Law tomorrow.
Today we are going to look at Juvenile Law and the court system. Finish Juvenile law questions 15 minutes Go over Juvenile law questions 15 minutes Group work on 30 jurisdiction questions Go over right and wrong answers.

3 What is meant by the term juvenile?
18 in most states in all but 39 states 17 in 8 states including TX and SC 16 in NC and 2 other states one being NY

4 What is a juvenile delinquent?
A juvenile who commits a crime that would be a crime at any age.

5 What is a juvenile status offender?
A juvenile who does something wrong but it would not have been a crime if he/she was an adult. Drinking, Curfew, Smoking etc.

6 Describe what is meant when a juvenile is incorrigible.
When a parent goes to court to prove their child is impervious to correction by punishment. This stops a parent from being responsible for the child’s behavior.

7 List 7 traits that may lead to juvenile delinquency.
Abused Neglected Suffer emotional or mental problems Poverty Overcrowded living conditions Rundown neighborhoods Drugs and alcohol.

8 List the three times how juveniles cases begin.
Arrest Parents Or others (school, counselor etc.)

9 What type of juvenile case is neglect? What can the courts do?
Neglect- is the physical or psychological/emotional mistreatment of children Courts can place the child in protective custody and with foster care.

10 What is adjudication? refers to children that are under a court's jurisdiction usually as a result of having engaged in delinquent behavior and not having a legal guardian that could be entrusted with being responsible for him or her.

11 What is meant by juvenile diversion?
Alternative to detention or detainment Teen Court ½ way homes

12 Why do we have juvenile diversion?
Because our goal is to rehabilitate not retribution or deterrence.

13 List three diversion programs that the courts may use rather than detention.
Counseling Job training Drug treatment

14 What constitutional rights do juveniles not have when it relates to the rights of the accused?
No Public Trial No Bail No Jury Trial

15 What are the different sentences that can be handed down to juveniles if they are convicted of being delinquent? Stern lecture Special training school Reformatory Treatment center Teen shelter








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