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2 WELCOME to The 2019 Y11 Family Revision Morning
Reasons for changing: The format – revision and learning are complex processes and we didn’t feel we could do them justice in an hour’s lecture. The next 5 months will affect the whole family (not just the students) so crucial that you are together hearing the same message sand so can work together. Previously before mocks – too far from the real thing; previously last minute – will contradict much of what we’ll tell you. Today. This gives enough lead in and should also complement responses to the mocks…

3 Mock exams reflection:
Consider how much time was spent revising for them, sitting them, marking them… How did you feel when you received your mock results? Why was that? Since you received your mock results at the start of term, what have you done with them? How have these results affected your revision plans for the Summer exams? How teachers will be using the mocks and learning points from them in an on-going way through the rest of the course – students need to be doing the same.


5 How students can accumulate marginal gains?
Come in 15 mins early every day and work = 17 hours Revise during registration = 17.5 hours Work for half of each lunch break = 17 hours Stay behind for 45 minutes every day = 52 hours Go to after school revision sessions See your tutor and act on their advice Do extra past papers Switch off your phone when revising Get extra feedback from your teachers Use the subject links on the school website

6 To further support your revision:
Each subject has produced a revision overview which is on the school website: Curriculum – KS4 – Year 11 Revision Information Exam board Assessment summary Past Papers and Mark Schemes Useful Revision Websites Revision apps Recommended revision guides Other useful information

7 The Revision Process Last 5/6 years has seen an enormous growth of interest and activity in the science of learning – seems bizarre that there wasn’t more before. People have tended to revise and prepare for exams in the same ways for years. Still a lot of good sense in some of those methods but there are others that research has proved to be ineffective and others that may initially seem counter-intuitive but improve knowledge retention….

8 Not very effective

9 Re-reading

10 Highlighting

11 Why? Low challenge. Little thinking required.
No quality assurance i.e. how do you know it’s working? Makes the student think that they are ‘doing something’

12 “Whatever you think about, that’s what you remember
“Whatever you think about, that’s what you remember. Memory is the residue of thought.” Daniel Willingham Revision is challenging enough as it is, without having to think hard! But that is what students must do if they are going to be most effective – and it is those more effective methods that we intend exploring this morning…


14 Morning overview: 9:00-9:20 Overview in Hall 9:20-9:25 Movement
9:25-9:50 Workshop 1 9:50-9:55 Movement 9:55-10:20 Workshop 2 10:20-10:45 Refreshments in Hall (PTA) 10:50-11:15 Workshop 3 11:15-11:20 Movement 11:20-11:45 Workshop 4 11:45-11:50 Evaluations

15 Workshops: 1: Revision planning Mr Patrick in G1
2: Transform it Mrs Rossiter in G2  3: Review and apply it Mr South in H1 4: Coping and supporting Mr Woodcock in H2 Student surnames A-D Workshop 1,2,3,4 Student surnames E-H Workshop 2,3,4,1 Student surnames I-P Workshop 3,4,1,2 Student surnames Q-Z Workshop 4,1,2,3

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