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Innovative Public Services Group (IPSG)

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative Public Services Group (IPSG)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative Public Services Group (IPSG)
Katju Holkeri September 2006, Helsinki

2 IPSG-working areas 4QC Customer Satisfaction work CAF IPSG Handbook
Best Practices Co-operation

3 4QC Tampere 27.-29.9.2006 Building sustainable quality
Strategy, performance, citizens and knowledge Best Practice archives Reports from Agoras EUPAN stand Networking CAF Centre

4 Customer Satisfaction work
Continuing the work done during the UK and Austrian presidencies. Policy paper on customer satisfaction measurement by the German presidency.

5 CAF CAF works - publication distributed to countries
CAF 2006 revised version ready More emphasis on modernisation, innovation and change More attention for good governance and European public values Registration of CAF-Common Assessment Frameworks as a community trademark CAF users event CAF at 4QC

6 IPSG -handbook Draft handbook 2004 1. The aims of KM for IPSG
Strengthen co-operation in the group/network value added 2. The scope of IPSG’s remit What can we learn from each other How can we share knowledge 3. KM practices today assessment 4. Knowledge Sharing Media Guidelines for presentations Guidelines for surveys EUPAN website/Circa 5. Knowledge sharing with other groups within the network 6. KM regarding the relationship between IPSG and the DG’s New developments Redraft the handbook – usefullness to other WG’s

7 Best Practices Best Practice cases Cases related to work going on
First two cases on customer satisfaction EPSI and Finnish Service Barometer Second meeting cases on Strategic management – horizontal Performance management – vertical and what is their good combination?

8 Co-operation Leadership is a theme that comes close to areas of work at the IPSG Business process management (e-gov) a possible common area In the second IPSG-meeting a session with HRM and e-gov reports = looking for possible common themes

9 Thank you!

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