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Presentation on theme: "LOTO AWARENESS Refresher NOTES:"— Presentation transcript:

1. This symbol ▼ indicates you need to click the mouse before reading the next line or slide. 2. Statements in Italics are meant as a guide for you, a recommendation of what to do. 3. The word DISCUSSION indicates that the slide content is organized in a Question and Answer format. After you read each question, have students shout out the answers or call on students. Repeat answers as needed so everyone can hear them. 4. “----” indicates a few seconds’ pause to give students time to answer the question 5. The words in bold appear on the slide. end NOTES Today we are going to talk about basic concepts in lockout and tagout. The shorthand for lockout/tagout is LOTO. You will NOT be trained in performing a lockout/tagout procedure. ▼

2 Lockout/Tagout = LOTO OSHA-required program
Safeguards you from: During: unexpected energization ∙ service and maintenance unexpected startup ∙ installation and set-up release of hazardous energy ∙ other activities Training is required LOTO is an OSHA-required program for all business where risk of injury exists during machine service and maintenance, installation and set-up, adjustment and other activities. ▼ LOTO was created to ensure that machine operators and maintenance personnel are protected from: unexpected energization unexpected startup of equipment as well as unexpected release of hazardous energy. ▼ The LOTO standard has specific training requirements for all employees in a machine shop, and written records of training must be kept.▼

3 Authorized vs. Affected
Authorized employees Specially trained in LOTO procedures Assigned LOTO lock and tag Allowed to lockout a piece of equipment Allowed to restart a locked out machine Affected employees No LOTO responsibilities Must recognize when LOTO is in progress Not allowed to remove locks and tags Not allowed to bypass locks and tags Here are the differences between “authorized” and “affected” employees. Unless you are further trained by your employer, you will be an “affected” employee. This means: You will have no LOTO responsibilities But you must recognize when LOTO is in progress You are not allowed to remove or bypass locks and tags ▼

4 LOTO hardware LOTO is accomplished using several pieces of hardware: locks, devices, and tags. The lock has only 1 key The tag – signed by the employee trained and authorized to use it The locking device – here are some examples of the devices available ▼

5 Lockable Disconnects In plain view from your workstation
One for each energy source Types of disconnects: Switches Levers Plugs Other Each piece of machinery that can be locked out, has one or more lockable disconnects. These should be: In plain view from your workstation. ▼ Present for each source of energy powering the machine ▼ Lockable disconnects are of different types, such as: Switches Levers Plugs other types (list based on what is available in your shop) Let’s look at a few examples: ▼

6 Locked Disconnects DISCUSSION: What type of energy is locked out in each case/photo? ---- Tell students about other types of disconnects they might see in the shop.

7 When you encounter a locked machine
Dos and Don’ts – rules in our shop If you notice that a disconnect was missed during machine lockout – speak up! Tell students what are they expected to when they encounter a locked machine. If you notice that a disconnect was missed during machine lockout – speak up! ▼

8 LOTO in a Machine Shop Written program
Written LOTO procedures – preferably posted Training for employees – “affected” and “authorized” Records must be in writing You will be an “affected” employee Never remove or bypass locks or tags! Every machine shop in which you will work is required by OSHA to have all of the following: ▼ A written LOTO program▼ Written LOTO procedures for each type of machine – preferably posted ▼ Training for employees ▼ Records of training must be in writing ▼ Remember: Unless trained in LOTO, you are an “affected” employee ▼ Never remove or bypass locks or tags! ▼

9 Questions? This was a brief review of the basic aspects of LOTO.
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