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Spanish Alphabet – Alfabeto Español

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Alphabet – Alfabeto Español"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Alphabet – Alfabeto Español

2 Spanish, for the most part, is a phonetic language

3 Alfabeto a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

4 Where do we start?

5 Vowels! make or break you
A E I O U Vowels! make or break you

6 A E I O U-El Burro Sabe Mas Que Tu
The Donkey Knows more than you

7 Letters to look out for…
C, Ch, G, H, j, ll, Q, ñ, rr, z Letters to look out for…

8 Soft “C” = “Cielo” if before i or e Strong “C” = “Casa” If before a, o, u or a consonant “C” can have a strong sound or a soft sound depending on the letter after it.

9 Ch = Chicle

10 G Strong “G” like Gorila if before a,o,u or a consenant Soft “G” like Gemelos if before e and i Strong “G” if you put a “u” between “g and i or e” Like Guitarra

11 H SHHHHH!!! The “H” is silent like in “Hola”……unless preceded by a c (ch) J Jamon-Ham It is not a strong “J” like in Jack. It is the Spanish version of the English “H”. Jose or Jorge

12 LL = Lluvia

13 Q = is always followed by U like in Queso or Porque
Ñ = el niño or la niña

14 “rr” in “perro” is “dog”
“rr” in “perro” is “dog”... but one “r” would turn it into “pero” which is “but”…

15 Pot of Tea………Parra Ti

16 y In a word-ya By itself-ee Yo (I) Ya (already) Yema (yoke)
Yierno (son-in-law) Estoy (I am) (feelings) Voy (I go) Y (and) y

17 Z Isn’t the English “Z” as in Zebra. It’s sounds like an “S”.
Azul-Blue Luz-Light

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