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THE BLITZ The Blitz was when lots of cities but mainly London got bombed. The blitz was very hard for people because there was lots and lots of bombing.

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Presentation on theme: "THE BLITZ The Blitz was when lots of cities but mainly London got bombed. The blitz was very hard for people because there was lots and lots of bombing."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE BLITZ The Blitz was when lots of cities but mainly London got bombed. The blitz was very hard for people because there was lots and lots of bombing. It was very dangerous for people to get about the city and get food.

2 Air raid When you heard the siren you had to go into a shelter. Because planes carrying bombs were about to fly over the town. The doodlebugs were very dangerous because when they ran out of fuel it blew up.

3 London Lots of buildings in London were damaged. People in London were scared and worried because their homes were being bombed. People in London were starved and were afraid to go outside.

4 Blackout During the war at night time everyone had to cover their windows with black material so no light showed through. This was called the Blackout. At night you had to face the traffic and the men had to put their shirt tails out so they could be seen by car drivers.

5 Evacuation Lots of children were evacuated. They had to leave all of their family and friends behind while the bombs were dropped on the cities. The children were moved to the countryside which was safer.

6 Ration Rationing was effecting millions of people and the coupons made life difficult. You had to carry your ration book where ever you went. You had to have a ration book to buy food and clothing.

7 Sirens When you heard a siren you hid in your shelter and stayed in there until you heard the all clear siren. If you heard a siren you put your gas mask on until it was safe. Sirens would help you to know if the Germans were coming to attack.

8 Shelters Shelters, you could have one inside or outside. The outside one spoiled your garden and the indoor one looked like a little table. There was also tunnels in some towns and you could live in the tunnels to stay safe.

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