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East Asia Day 1 Chapter 27. Warm Up: What does this image tell you about the popula-tion of East Asia?

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Presentation on theme: "East Asia Day 1 Chapter 27. Warm Up: What does this image tell you about the popula-tion of East Asia?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: What does this image tell you about the popula-tion of East Asia?

2 East Asia Day 1 Chapter 27

3 Which countries make up East Asia?
China, Japan Mongolia, Taiwan, North Korea, and South Korea

4 What mountain ranges are there?
Kunlun Mountains- West of China Qinling Shandi Mountains- Divides North China from South China Very few flat surfaces exist Kunlun produces 2 large rivers Very rough terrain and not easy to get across

5 What deserts are located in e Asia?
Gobi Desert --500,000 sq. miles --Located in N China --Dinosaur fossils found here Taklimakan Desert --Located in W China near the Kunlun Mnts Pictured is one of China’s smaller deserts. Named are the two largest. Gobi is 500,000 sq miles Gobi is one of the largest in the world and was home to dinos millions of years ago Larger than California and Texas combined

6 Which rivers flow through east Asia?
Huang He (Yellow River) --Yellow silt deposits Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) --Longest river in all of Asia --3rd longest in the world Xi Jiang (West River) --Located in South China --Used for trade but frequently flood Huang and Chang comes from Kunlun Mtns WONG- HE CHANG GEE –an SHEE GEE- an


8 How do Asians work with their environment?
Three Gorges Dam --On Chiang Jiang river --World’s biggest dam Positive effects --Controls flooding --Gives electricity --Easier for ships to travel Negative effects --Human cost --Construction was expensive --Environmental cost Chiang Jiang is 3rd longest river in the world, after Nile and Amazon Largest construction project in China and is the world’s biggest dam More than 1000 villages have disappeared since the reservoir began filling

9 What about urban space? Japan’s pop: 127 million Tokyo’s pop: 35 mil
--60% of people live on 3% of the land Pollution (PCBs)– industrial poison build up in tissues and cause disease/birth defects Family of 4 share a 1 bedroom apartment Japanese population at more than 127 million people US had over 300 million in 2014 60% of Japanese people live in 3% of the land Tokyo has over 35 million people (over 800,000 in Jacksonville) PCBs are industrial poisons that build up in the tissue of your body and can cause disease and birth defects Not uncommon for a family of four to share a one bedroom apartment (rolling beds and screens for more space)

10 River Vid Video Link

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