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Health Science Mr. Sheldon

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1 Health Science Mr. Sheldon
Smoking & Tobacco Health Science Mr. Sheldon

2 The #1 Preventable cause of death in the United States
Smoking The #1 Preventable cause of death in the United States

3 Lungs Your left lung is smaller than your right lung
Trachea – Bronchi – Alveoli Epiglottis - covers your windpipe when you swallow. We take about 15 breaths per minute when we are resting


5 Smoking Risks Smoking related illnesses kill ~500,000 Americans every year. The death rate from heart disease is 70% higher for smokers than nonsmokers. 50,000 people die each year from tobacco smoke released into the air by smokers.

6 Chemicals Cigarette smoke has more than 4,000 chemicals – 401 are known poisons Formaldehyde Methanol Ammonia Acetone

7 The Big 3 Nicotine – “psychoactive substance” in tobacco.
Tar – solid material in tobacco smoke that condenses into a thick liquid. Carbon Monoxide – Poisonous gas released by burning tobacco.

8 Nicotine Stimulant & highly addictive 7 seconds to feel the effects
Lasts for about 30 minutes 70 milligrams kill an average person immediately Each cigarette has up to 2.2 milligrams

9 Tar Form a sticky coating throughout the lungs
1 pack a day = 1 quart of tar in the lungs per year. “Low Tar” does not equal less tar for smokers! There is no low tar to tobacco!

10 Carbon Monoxide Interferes with the body’s ability to carry oxygen
Causes fatigue, chest pain, nausea Cardiovascular systems has to work harder to get oxygen to cells.

11 Lungs Lung Cancer - #1 cause of cancer death.
Risk increases 23x from smoking Emphysema – loss of elasticity in the lungs. 90% of cases caused by smoking. Increased Pneumonia, Bronchitis and other respiratory infections


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