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Rhetorical Devices (syntactical devices)

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1 Rhetorical Devices (syntactical devices)
AP Language and Composition

2 Anadiplosis Definition: The term literally means “to double back.” It refers to a repetition of the last word of one phrase, clause, or sentence at or very near the beginning of the next. Effect: creates a sense of logical progression Examples: Aboard my ship, excellent performance is standard. Standard performance is sub-standard. Sub-standard performance is not permitted to exist. — Herman Wouk, The Caine Mutiny Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. — Yoda, Star Wars VIDEO LINK:

3 Anadiplosis WATCH THE VIDEO CLIP (linked) OF MARGARET THATCHER USING ANADIPLOSIS TO PROMOTE HER ECONOMIC POLICIES. Explain the effect of the use of anadiplosis. Margaret Thatcher: "Of course our vision and our aims go far beyond the complex arguments of economics, but unless we get the economy right we shall deny our people the opportunity to share that vision and to see beyond the narrow horizons of economic necessity. Without a healthy economy we can’t have a healthy society and without a healthy society the economy won’t stay healthy for long."

4 Anaphora Definition: The term literally means “carrying back.” It refers to the repetition of the same word or words at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, or sentences, commonly in conjunction with climax and with parallelism Effect: Creates especially strong emphasis and sense of continuity between rhetorical points. Example: We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. – Winston Churchill

5 Anastrophe Definition: Word order is reversed or rearranged.
Effect: Draws emphasis to a different part of the sentence; varies style in order to emphasize Example: “Powerful you have become; the dark side I sense in you.” - Yoda Yoda inverts normal word order. Instead of saying “You have become powerful,” he says, “Powerful you have become.”

6 Antithesis / Juxtaposition
Definition: The term literally means “setting opposite.” It describes the creation of a clear, contrasting relationship between two ideas by joining them together or juxtaposing them, often in parallel structure. Effect: Useful for making relatively fine distinctions or for clarifying differences which might be otherwise overlooked. Example: “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” – Alexander Pope

7 Apophasis Definition: The term literally means “to say no.” It describes a process of inductive reasoning that attempts to define an object or idea by what it is not rather than by what it is. More commonly, it refers to the rhetorical tactic of mentioning an idea by denying that it should be mentioned. Effect: To make an audience aware of a subject while simultaneously creating distance between the speaker and that subject if it is dangerous or undesirable. Example: I will not bring up the topic of my opponent’s numerous affairs in this discussion.

8 The speaker talks directly to “death” and the “grave.”
Apostrophe Definition: The term literally means “turning away.” It refers to an interruption of discourse in order to directly addresses a personified thing, either present or absent. Effect: Its most common purpose in prose is to give vent to or display intense emotion, which can no longer be held back. Example: O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? – 1 Corinthians 15:55 The speaker talks directly to “death” and the “grave.”

9 Caesar leaves out any conjunctions / connecting words.
Asyndeton Definition: A deliberate omission of conjunctions between words, phrases, or clauses. Effect: To speed up the rhythm of speech; to create the effect of improvisational speech; to make an idea more memorable. Example: I came, I saw, I conquered. – Julius Caesar Caesar leaves out any conjunctions / connecting words.

10 Asyndeton WATCH THE VIDEO CLIP (linked) OF C.S. Lewis USING asyndeton. Be prepared to explain the effect of his use of this syntactical device. C.S. Lewis: Forget psychology. Forget the inside of men's heads. Judge them by their actions. For example, Mr. Whistler is asleep. Now, from that action, I take it that he has no interest in what I have to say. The puzzle is, that being the case, why is he here at all? So, we construct a plot from Mr. Whistler's actions: he comes, he sleeps. Now, Aristotle would say that the next question is not why, but what is Mr. Whistler going to do next? [Mr. Whistler wakes up.] Good morning, Mr. Whistler. My class is not compulsory, neither are my chairs very comfortable. I suggest --

11 Chiasmus Definition: Named after the Greek letter “chi,” indicating a criss-cross. The term refers to a reversal in the order of terms in the second of two parallel clauses. This is sometimes described as AB-BA structure. Effect: Expresses a truth through complement or contrast in order to provoke thought in the reader. A B B Example: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your A country. – John F. Kennedy

12 Climax Definition: The term comes from the Greek word for “ladder.” It refers to the arrangement of words, clauses, or sentences in the order of increasing importance, weight, or emphasis. Parallelism usually forms a part of the arrangement, because it offers a sense of continuity, order, and movement-up the ladder of importance. Effect: Creates a sense of tension or grandeur, ultimately placing rhetorical emphasis on the final word, phrase, or clause. Example: I think we’ve reached a point of great decision, not just for our nation, not only for all humanity, but for life upon the earth. – George Wald As Wald moves through his list, the topic widens and grows more important.

13 Climax Listen to the clip of astronaut Frank Borman (aboard the Apollo 8. What is the effect of his use of climax? "And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good earth." -- Frank Borman, Astronaut

14 Epanalepsis Definition: Refers to the repetition of the first word of a clause or sentence at the end. Effect: Creates rhetorical emphasis. Example: In the world, ye shall have trials, but be of good cheer—I have overcome the world. –John 16:33

15 Litotes Definition: A particular form of understatement generated by denying the opposite or contrary of the word which otherwise would be used. Effect: Depending on the tone and context of the usage, litotes either retains the effect of understatement, or becomes an intensifying expression. Example: And truly, their suffering was not small. – William Bradford Their suffering was great. Small is the opposite of great. Litotes = not “the opposite.”

16 Ellipsis Definition: When words are left out of a sentence, but the meaning is understood. Effect: To speed up the rhythm of speech; to create the effect of improvisational speech; to make an idea more memorable. Example: My brother took the top bunk, my sister the bottom.

17 Parallelism Definition: The term describes any structure that displays recurrent syntactical similarity. Effect: Several parts of a sentence or several sentences are developed and phrased similarly to show that the ideas in the parts or sentences are equal in importance. Parallelism also adds balance and rhythm and, most importantly, clarity to the sentence. S V PN Example: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessing; the S V PN inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. The two independent clauses follow the same grammatical form.

18 Parallelism Listen to the clip of Jesse Jackson using parallelism. Be prepared to explain the effect of his use of this syntactical device. "I've tried to offer leadership to the Democratic Party and the Nation. If, in my high moments, I have done some good, offered some service, shed some light, healed some wounds, rekindled some hope, or stirred someone from apathy and indifference, or in any way along the way helped somebody, then this campaign has not been in vain." -- Jesse Jackson, 1984 Democratic National Convention Address

19 Parenthesis Definition: This term refers to the insertion of a word, phrase, or whole sentence as an aside in the middle of another sentence. Parenthesis can be circumscribed either by dashes--they are more dramatic and forceful--or by parentheses (to make the aside less stringent). Effect: The violence involved in jumping into (or out of) the middle of a sentence to address the reader momentarily about something has a pronounced effect. This device creates the effect of extemporaneity and immediacy. Example: In Calormen, story-telling (whether the stories are true or made up) is a thing you’re taught, just as English boys and girls are taught essay-writing. The difference is that people want to hear the stories, whereas I never heard of anyone who wanted to read the essays. - C.S. Lewis

20 Pleonasm Definition: This term refers to the use of more words than required to express an idea; being redundant. Effect: Generally this is a syntactical error, but it is done on purpose on rare occasions for emphasis: Example: This was the most unkindest cut of all. – Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

21 Polysyndeton Definition: The use of a conjunction between each word, phrase, or clause; structurally the opposite of asyndeton. Effect: The rhetorical effect of polysyndeton is one of multiplicity, energetic enumeration, and building up. Example: And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark. – Genesis 7:22-24

22 Procatalepsis Definition: This term refers to the rhetorical act of anticipating an objection and answering it Effect: This tactic permits an argument to continue moving forward while taking into account points or reasons opposing either the train of thought or its final conclusions. Example: Of course, those who object to government intervention claim that any new regulations will destroy the coal and petroleum industries. However, this type of thinking is short-sighted and reactionary. In reality, new regulations will only…

23 Zeugma Definition: This term refers to a grammatically correct linkage (or yoking together) of two or more parts of speech by another part of speech. Examples of zeugmatic usage would include one subject with two (or more) verbs, a verb with two (or more) direct objects, two (or more) subjects with one verb, and so forth. Effect: The main benefit of the linking is that it shows relationships between ideas and actions more clearly. The technique is often used to promote satiric effect. Example: You held your breath and the door for me. – Alanis Morrisette

24 Create your own examples of… Anadiplosis: Apostrophe: Litotes: Zeugma:

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