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What is Plato’s formula for the truth?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Plato’s formula for the truth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Plato’s formula for the truth?
Analyze this! You will use the formula for philosophy to explain Plato’s quote: “I mean to say that objects of sense are of two kinds some of them do not invite thought because the sense is an adequate judge of them; while in the case of other objects sense is so untrustworthy that further inquiry is imperatively demanded.” What is Plato’s formula for the truth? 8.1.9C Analyze the fundamentals of historical interpretation

2 Divided Line Beliefs Ideas Experience Wisdom truths test CAVE LIGHT

3 Is this the divided line?

4 Aristotle VS Plato-use the reading to complete
What is dialectical philosophy? What is “The Good Life” Using a Venn diagram compare/contrast Aristotle to Plato’s views -Formulas for the truth Education Truths Government Logic Faith/Religion

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