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LDS General Conference

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Presentation on theme: "LDS General Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 LDS General Conference

2 FUNNY MOMENTS from 2018

3 Conference Moments No One Saw Coming

4 An Olympian Spoke During the Priesthood Session
In 1985, Peter Vidmar, an Olympic Gold Medalist. One of only a few instances that anyone outside of the general Church leadership spoke at general conference. 

5 David Archuleta Appeared in the Choir

6 When President Hunter Fell Over Backwards in the Middle of His Talk
– start at 7:46

7 Elder Perry Gave Elder Bednar a Fist Bump

8 When President Monson Wiggled His Ears

9 That Guy …

10 The Yawn!

11 LDS General Conference
Behind the Scenes

12 Florists begin planning 2 months prior

13 The Seventy are assigned to speak for 9 mins; Apostles for 15-20
The Seventy are assigned to speak for 9 mins; Apostles for speakers typically speak.

14 Pray-ers are asked to limit their prayer to 60 seconds (unless there’s extra time at the end)

15 The Correlation committee (since 1972) reviews and approves talks

16 The Conference Center’s curbs repainted 6000 light bulbs are checked.

17 900 volunteers help people find their seat for the conference sessions.

18 Security teams memorize faces and names of security threats.

19 Parking attendants work two 15-hour days.

20 135 Church Food Service employees prepare 12,000 meals. 

21 Two satellite systems: two teleprompter sets; two electrical feeds

22 The presiding bishop provides treats for the apostles and prophets.

23 Speakers are given the last paragraph of the preceding speaker as a cue to know when to prepare to approach the pulpit.

24 Pulpit measurements are taken so the microphone is centered on the tie knot (males) or neckline (females). Speakers are told not to touch the microphone.

25 Talk rehearsals and evacuation exercises are conducted in a simulation area 2 weeks prior to conference

26 The Choir members rehearse 30 songs Tuesday & Thursday before conference for 2.5 hours each night.
They arrive at 7am Saturday and Sunday morning to rehearse before the 10am start time.

27 Members of the Tabernacle Choir have been asked to fast for 24 hours and are invited to serve 2 people and repair one wrong.

28 “Recently a young man asked me why I often change my tie during general conference. It is kind of a family tradition that started years ago when between conference sessions, I stained my tie and worriedly searched for a replacement. Fortunately, I had one in my office. My grandsons enjoyed it so much that they changed their ties too, and since then it became almost a sport to do it. “For our family—and I hope for yours—general conference is a special event. In addition to hearing words of counsel and testimony from living prophets and apostles, we have the opportunity to grow and learn as we spend time with one another throughout the weekend.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf,


30 In April 2010, when Elder Robert D
In April 2010, when Elder Robert D. Hales stood to speak in general conference, five-year-old Jason, watching from his Baltimore, Maryland, home, jumped up with excitement. The tie Elder Hales was wearing was a perfect match with a tie he had in his closet. He ran to his closet, had his mother quickly help him tie it, and posed for a picture with Elder Hales on the television.

31 All of the general authorities watch the conference on small TVs near their chairs.

32 7 cameras 105 operators 94 languages 800 translators 58 booth 197 countries 2,177 cable stations 7,450 church buildings

33 Church social media teams choose 5 phrases during each talk to tweet/meme

34 After each session, the Prophet is first to leave, followed by his counselors and the Quorum of 12 Apostles.

35 Each speaker receives 2 versions of their talks - the one that was approved by the Correlation Department and a second that reflects their exact words they spoke; they submit a final version for publication.

36 Speaking of General Conference, Elder Holland promised,
“One of us will touch on your circumstance, sending a personal prophetic epistle just to you. I promise that if you will listen, the Lord will tell you what He wants you to do with your life. In conferences, we can receive the word of the Lord meant just for us.”

37 Write down one question you have or one topic you would like to hear more about…

38 Blessing of Conference

39 LDS General Conference
Behind the Scenes

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