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Staff & Pupil Bulletin No. 21
Bannerman High School Bannerman High School Staff & Pupil Bulletin No. 21 Monday 21 January 2019 NOTICES TO BE READ TO PUPILS : Assemblies for week beginning Monday 21 January 2019: Year Group S4 Theme: Prelim Feedback and Study Skills Tuesday Livingstone & Mackintosh Wednesday Burns &Napier Thursday Telford & Wallace Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School Our School values are: Respect Responsibility Ambition Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School Ambition In Bannerman we demonstrate ambition by: Aiming high Being open to change Taking advantage of opportunities Recognising our achievements Being the best we can be How will you demonstrate ambition this week? Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School Ambition
We have 11 school weeks until the SQA exams Work Tip No 1: Put effort in now and revision will come much easier later. Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School Our school uniform is : a school blazer
a school tie white shirt plain black V-neck jumper or cardigan black school trousers or skirt A black outdoor jacket if necessary Please leave your colourful jackets at home Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School TRIO VISIT LEARNING AND TEACHING- Bannerman High School – Tuesday 22nd January – Morning On Tuesday Morning we will welcome two teachers from Rosshall Academy and 6 young people. We also welcome two teachers from Drumchapel High School and 6 young people. We are all working together to explore how good our learning is across the three schools. The Library will be out of use in the Morning as it will be used by our guests. The group will be supported by the planning team made up of 16 S2/3 boys. The visitors and our boys will be visiting classes and talking to young people and teachers. Please play your part and help make them feel very welcome in our school. Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School S2 FOOTBALL TEAM. Can all players intending to partake in upcoming fixtures please meet with Mr McRobbie in Sc5 on Monday (21st Jan) at morning interval. Thank you. S3 NUMERACY IN PHYSICS. Enjoying physics but struggling with the math? A reminder that all S3 physics students are invited to an after-school numeracy support session running every Thursday in Sc5 with Mr McRobbie. Thank you. MUSIC DEPARTMENT Orchestra - Tuesday after school in the Workshop Theatre Woodwind Group - Friday at 1.00 pm in Music Room 1 Thanks, Mrs Carberry. Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School LONDON TRIP All pupils attending the London trip this year MUST attend an important meeting on WEDNESDAY 23rd JAN at 1.00 pm in DRAMA RM 2. This meeting will be to discuss food orders and room mates. Any pupil late or absent from the meeting will have their food selected for them and will be put into a room and there will be no changes made. Important information will also be given out at this meeting for parents. Any pupil who can not make the meeting for a valid reason MUST see Mrs Campbell asap. Thank you. See you Wednesday! WORLD OF WORK AMBASSADORS. Can all world of work ambassadors please attend a meeting with Mrs Campbell during lunch time on Tuesday 22nd Jan. Thanks very much. S6 PROM. Can any pupil who has yet to pay their first instalment please see Mrs Campbell asap. If money is not paid by the end of this week you will not be allowed to attend Prom. Thank you. Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School Respect Responsibility Ambition
IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME- IMPORTANT NOTICE Tuesday 5th February 2019 HPV - S1 Girls (1st Dose) HPV - S2-S6 Girls (Completing Dose) MMR – S1 Boys & Girls (Catch up) These will be taking place in the Staffroom and involves all S1 Girls and some S2/S3/S4/S5/S6 pupils. All S1 girls have been issued with documentation for the S1 HPV vaccinations via their tutor class. All catch up pupils will be notified via tutor once this information has been received by the school. As you will see the vaccination programme has increased greatly over the last few years with the introduction of new vaccines and the primary method of delivery is through schools. To limit disruption to learning and teaching they are trying to limit these to two visits per year which will include the main vaccination programme and catch up. Thank you for your assistance and support with this very important event. L Dickson Please instruct pupils that they should queue quietly outside the Staffroom at their allocated time S1 Burns Girls Only S1 Wallace Girls Only S1 Livingstone Girls Only All S1/S2/S3 Catch Up (MMR & HPV) S1 Mackintosh Girls Only All S4 Catch Up (MMR & HPV) S1 Napier Girls Only All S5 Catch Up (MMR & HPV) S1 Telford Girls Only All S6 Catch Up (MMR & HPV) Respect Responsibility Ambition
Respect Responsibility Ambition
Bannerman High School COLOURING CLUB. Looking for a little bubble of calm in the middle of a busy week? Come to E6 on Tuesday lunchtimes at 12:55 to do some calming colouring in. Miss McKinlay. Respect Responsibility Ambition
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