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Artificial Light At Night

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1 Artificial Light At Night
Joe Frannea - Volunteer Southern Arizona Chapter of the International DarkSky Association February 2019

2 Unintended Consequences From Artificial Light At Night (ALAN)
ALAN Scientists Meet Annually

3 Topics Today Include: ALAN & Light Pollution Astronomy Plant Life
Wildlife Human Health Safety & Security Outdoor Lighting Codes When you talk about Light Pollution and its consequences, most people immediately think about astronomy. Those effects are obvious. When you mention effects on wildlife, plant life and human health the reaction is usually “your kidding”. There has been some research in these areas but there is so much more to learn. We tend to always thing about what humans need regarding lighting and not much attention to critters that function at night. We are documenting More Scientific facts but need more reaserch which takes money so we are ofent just content with collecting Empirical information which is a great start. It is interesting to note that our national parks now define the skies to be a natural resource and it is therefore illegal to damage them with light pollution just like it is illegal to deface a rock structure in the parks. Presenting - Other People’s Work/ Research

4 Our Lack of Understanding About ALAN
NEED MORE EDUCATION We Are So Human Centric Lacking Scientific Information Lacking Research – Takes $ Using Empirical Information (after fact) When you talk about Light Pollution and its consequences, most people immediately think about astronomy. Those effects are obvious. When you mention effects on wildlife, plant life and human health the reaction is usually “your kidding”. There has been some research in these areas but there is so much more to learn. We tend to always thing about what humans need regarding lighting and not much attention to critters that function at night. We are documenting More Scientific facts but need more reaserch which takes money so we are often just content with collecting Empirical information which is a great start. It is interesting to note that our national parks now define the skies to be a natural resource and it is therefore illegal to damage them with light pollution just like it is illegal to deface a rock structure in the parks.

5 Light Pollution Classifications
Skyglow Light Projected Upwards Glare Blinding Light Directly in Your Face Light Trespass Light Leaving Your Property When you talk about Light Pollution and its consequences, most people immediately think about astronomy. Those effects are obvious. When you mention effects on wildlife, plant life and human health the reaction is usually “your kidding”. There has been some research in these areas but there is so much more to learn. We tend to always thing about what humans need regarding lighting and not much attention to critters that function at night. We are documenting More Scientific facts but need more reaserch which takes money so we are often just content with collecting Empirical information which is a great start. It is interesting to note that our national parks now define the skies to be a natural resource and it is therefore illegal to damage them with light pollution just like it is illegal to deface a rock structure in the parks. All ALAN Creates Some Light Pollution

6 The World at Night Mostly Light Shining Upwards
This composite satellite image shows the world at night - clearly showing how civilizations are lighting up the night making it more like daytime. This is light shining upwards that is a total waste of energy and harmful to the environment and all things living on earth. It has been estimated that this wasted light costs about $10 million in the US alone each night. Becoming More Like Daytime

7 The USA at Night $2B/Yr. Wasted! More Like Daytime
This composite satellite image shows the USA at night - clearly showing how civilizations are lighting up the night making it more like daytime. This is light shining upwards that is a total waste of energy and harmful to the environment and all things living on earth. It has been estimated that this wasted light costs about $10 million in the US alone each night. $2B/Yr. Wasted! More Like Daytime


9 More Astronomers & Scopes in Southern AZ
Astronomy More Astronomers & Scopes in Southern AZ $500M Optics & Astronomy Business AZ/Year It is interesting to note that our national parks now define the skies to be a natural resource and it is therefore illegal to damage them with light pollution just like it is illegal to deface a rock structure in the parks. MMT – Mt. Hopkins Green Valley Area

10 ALL Living Things Have Circadian Rhythms

11 ALL Living Things Have Circadian Rhythms

12 Plants All Living Things Have Biological Clocks
They Need Natural Dark/Light Cycles

13 Amount of Light Required Varies by Plant
One study showed a one second light at night caused the plant not to bloom Some growers and florists control the Light to delay of force blooms

14 For Normal Growth and Development Plants Need LIGHT:
Quality (wavelength or color) Right Intensity (brightness) Appropriate Duration (photoperiod) Trees for Example Day: Leaf Growth, Photosynthesis, Open Flowers Night: Strengthen Fibers, energy metabolism and growth

15 Microscopic Plants and Animals
Plankton Microscopic Plants and Animals “Start of the Food Chain” Coastlines Have Biggest Concentration of Animals including Humans and Have the Huge Amounts of Light Pollution Phytoplankton Zooplankton Artificial Light at Night, one Impact More Growth, but Less Nutritious Light up to 100 Meters Deep Affects their Vertical Biomass Movements Growth Totally Dependent on Photosynthesis Display a Strong Light-Escape Response

16 It’s Not East to Survive, and We are Not Helping!
Wildlife It’s Not East to Survive, and We are Not Helping! When to mate, migrate, hibernate Food sources for migration (early blooms) What season is it, natural environment Interactions, other animals, plants Avoid lit areas, taking their habitat Our pleasures seem to trump their habitat Light Pollution is a big problem and has very detrimental effects on astronomy. Outdoor lights can be good, fully shielded lights but still have significant effects on our environment which we will cover in this presentation (landscape lighting, floodlights, lit bridges/buildings, etc.)


18 Migrating Birds Hundreds of species migrate at night
Artificial light and fires attract birds and they can’t seem to break away Sky Glow can cause disorientation Lit buildings, towers, signs can cause fatal collisions, fog/clouds causes them to fly lower Populations are declining throughout the world, lights are one major factor Bird migration is a significant and important event. Birds are programmed to use natural instincts and naturally occurring events like moon light and stars to navigate and find their way to their seasonal homes. The introduction of artificial light into their habitat and skyways has caused serious problems for successful migration and mating. Lit buildings and towers and other obstacles cause serious fatal crashes killing millions of birds each year.

19 Bird Navigation/Migration
Where are My Constellations? What Messed-up My Biological Clock? Where are My Landmarks? Los Angeles

20 Bird Collisions - Buildings
: Bird Collisions - Buildings The Canadian based Fatal Light Awareness Program, know as FLAP, studies and documents birds that crash into building during migration periods. These dead birds shown are one nights collisions with high rises in downtown Toronto. Visit their website,, for more information. 193 birds every 60 seconds

21 Sea Turtles Mortality due to artificial lighting is well documented for hatchlings - Florida Hatchling must find sea quickly, not condos Strict lighting regulations adopted - Education! Females, 35+ Yrs. first clutch where they born Lit areas vs. nesting areas documented (satellites) Mature female sea turtles (some are 80+ years old) return to their birth places in the sand to lay their eggs. When the hatchlings come to the surface they must return to the water immediately to avoid being eaten or baking in the hot sun. They instinctively know how to find the water using the horizon or other means. There are well documented studies in Florida regarding artificial light from condos confusing the hatchlings and sometimes making it impossible for them to find the sea. Florida has adopted strict outdoor lighting standards to help alleviate this situation.

22 These tacks in the sand show hatchlings heading straight to the sea to begin their new life.

23 Fish Coastal zones, lakes, streams, ponds and rivers all impacted by lights – over half world population lives within 50 miles Light (attracts), temperature and structures greatly effect aquatic organisms Behaviors - Feeding, Schooling, Migration, Spawning, Predation depend on specific light intensities Studies have documented some of the effects on our ever so important fish in streams, lakes, rivers, and oceans. Light and temperature changes are very important factors in their breeding, migration, feeding, schooling and other behaviors that are important to their survival. Over half of the worlds human populations are located within 50 miles of major rivers, lakes and oceans, Outdoor lights are changing the fish habitat forever.

24 Insects Critically Important Pollinators
especially moths for night bloomers Flight-to-Light Behavior – can’t navigate around lights “Vacuum Cleaner” Effect – sucked out of habitat, depletes local populations Some won’t mate in lighted conditions Use yellow bulbs to minimize attraction The moth is another very important night pollinator and is being sucked out of its habitat by night lights. Light is a drug to the moth which is often fatal. The light is an attractant as it flies around and around the lamp until it is exhausted and usually dies. Use yellow lamps where possible to help minimize this problem.

25 “Ecological Armageddon ?”
German Study - Biomass of Flying Insects Decreased More Than 75% Over the 27-Year Study Period Credible Evidence that Light Pollution is a Contributor Half of All Insect Species are Nocturnal

26 Fireflies Serious Consequences
Self-generated chemical luminescence for sexual communication External light can wash out the glow, delay mating, reduce number of eggs (7 eggs/day) Glowworms attract males up to 150 Ft. away using bioluminescent flashes Fireflies are a unique insect that uses light to communicate. With artificial light being added to their environment, their mating habits can be significantly altered yielding less egg production. The glowworm also uses bioluminescent flashes to communicate and attract mates.

27 One Reason to Keep Outdoor Lights OFF – Especially ALL Night
Lights attract bugs (Including kissing bugs) Bugs attract lizards + Lizards attract snakes “Don’t Create Your Own Ecosystem”

28 Can Be a Carcinogen –Shift Workers
Human Health EPA Light Pollution is a Pollutant AMA (2012) Excessive Nighttime Lighting Disrupts Essential Processes and can Create Potentially Harmful Health Effects and Hazardous Situations. Can Be a Carcinogen –Shift Workers Light Pollution is a big problem and has very detrimental effects on astronomy. Outdoor lights can be good, fully shielded lights but still have significant effects on our environment which we will cover in this presentation

29 Dark Sleep is Critically Important!
8 to 10 Hours . A very important subject which deserves an entire presentation is the effect of night time lights on human health. It has been documented that dark sleep conditions are required each night for your body to generate proper levels of Melatonin which has antioxidant properties to fight diseases. Doctors have studied and documented that the growth of breast cancer can be 8 times faster with low levels of melatonin. It will be a great day when we adopt a saying similar to the one we did for smoking, you know “You have the right to smoke but not to blow smoke in my face” . The lighting one would be “You have the right to have lights on your property but not the right to shine them on my property or in the sky”. Produces Proper Levels of Melatonin (fights diseases) REM Sleep – Sort, File, Store Information (Billions/Day) Cramming All Night May Be Counterproductive Repairs Cells Produces Hormones for Metabolism and Development

30 Circadian Rythems “Jet Lag” TV
When you talk about Light Pollution and its consequences, most people immediately think about astronomy. Those effects are obvious. When you mention effects on wildlife, plant life and human health the reaction is usually “your kidding”. There has been some research in these areas but there is so much more to learn. We tend to always thing about what humans need regarding lighting and not much attention to critters that function at night. We are documenting More Scientific facts but need more reaserch which takes money so we are ofent just content with collecting Empirical information which is a great start. It is interesting to note that our national parks now define the skies to be a natural resource and it is therefore illegal to damage them with light pollution just like it is illegal to deface a rock structure in the parks. “Jet Lag”

31 Physical Effects of Light
Circadian Rhythm This Must Be Reset Daily (not exactly 24 hours) The Light – Dark Cycle Resets It Melatonin Production Produced Only at Night In A Dark Environment A Small Amount of Light Stops It Immediately (especially blue/white light) Light Pollution is a big problem and has very detrimental effects on astronomy. Outdoor lights can be good, fully shielded lights but still have significant effects on our environment which we will cover in this presentation

32 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders
Can Be In The Form Of: More Sleep Problems Fatigue Forgetfulness Performance Problems Gastrointestinal Problems More Accidents and Injuries Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Type-2 Diabetes Some Types Cancer

33 Cancer Risks Several High-Quality Studies
Female Shift-Workers – 50% Higher Breast Cancer Risk (also includes female flight attendants – lots of jet lag) Similar findings for Colorectal Cancer Risk in Women and for Prostate Cancer in Men Low levels of Melatonin, cancer can grow 8 times faster Correlation: Industrialization, more lights, more problems? - lots more research to come - Dr. Stevens Dr. Blask

34 Choosing a Light Bulb Read the Package Label

35 Brighter Does Not Mean Safer
Your Safety Brighter Does Not Mean Safer Unshielded Good visibility is the goal. Photos © George Fleenor © International Dark-Sky Association

36 Brighter Does Not Mean Safer
Unshielded Good visibility is the goal. Photos © George Fleenor Add a Shield © International Dark-Sky Association “Movie Theater Effect”

37 Brightly Lit Walkway With Shadows

38 Person Steps Into a Shadow – False Security

39 Outdoor Lighting Codes
Pima County, City of Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley, Sahuarita Some of the Important Codes Total Lumens Allowed Are Based On Lot Space Occupied (PC Lighting Zone 3A 39,000L total, 9,000L unshielded/acre) Lumens from An Unshielded Fixture Max of 3,000 Unshielded Floods Must Be Aimed 45 Degrees Or Lower Color Temperature Of Bulb Must Be 3500K Or Lower Commercial Unshielded Lights Must Be Off By 11 PM

40 Responsible Lighting Is Easy . . .
Use Fully Shielded Light Fixtures (No light above the horizontal, No light trespass) Use the right amount of uniform light (more light is not better, often worse) Turn on lights only when needed (you can use motion detectors) Save Energy, use energy efficient bulbs Not polluting the sky is one important piece of the equation and 20 years ago we thought it was the whole equation. We now know that expanding this to Responsible Lighting covers most of the bases and is easy to understand. Responsible Lighting is quite simple. The first part is controlling light is often done with shields to reflect and control the light downward. Using the right amount of light is also important, it takes very little light for most tasks. And turning on lights only when they are needed is also critical. Dusk to dawn lighting in most areas is a total waste of energy and can have harmful effects on the environment.

41 Light Pollution is a SERIOUS Issue
It’s Easy to HELP. . . Just Share Your Knowledge And Control Your Light! Light Pollution is a big problem and has very detrimental effects on astronomy. Outdoor lights can be good, fully shielded lights but still have significant effects on our environment which we will cover in this presentation Joe Frannea Web:

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