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Central Nervous System

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1 Central Nervous System
Department of Biology, WCU

2 Components Spinal cord and brain Spinal cord brain to conus medullaris
two way conduction protected by meninges

3 Spinal cord structure Sulcus and fissure

4 Spinal cord structure White matter (axons) Gray matter
cell bodies from multipolar neurons and unmylenated processes letter “H” Horns Gray commissure

5 Spinal cord structure Sensory-motor integration
afferent dorsal sensory efferent ventral motor

6 Spinal cord structure Dorsal root ganglia

7 Spinal cord structure Dorsal and ventral root enlargement (cervical, lumbar)

8 Spinal cord structure Horn subdivisions somatic sensory
visceral sensory visceral motor somatic motor

9 Spinal cord structure White matter Ascending pathways
myelinated and unmyelinated axons Ascending pathways signals (touch, temp., muscle stretch) to brain Descending pathways signals (fine and course movement) to spinal cord

10 Spinal cord structure Commissural pathways ascending and descending

11 Spinal cord damage Paralysis Paraplegia Quadriplegia
thoracic vertebrae Quadriplegia cervical vertebrae

12 Brain development Third week of embryogenesis CNS develops from ……..
neural plate, neural fold, neural tube (4th week) neural crest: sensory neurons, ganglia

13 Brain development Divisions prosencephalon mesencephalon

14 Brain development prosencephalon ….. mesencephalon rhombencephalon …..

15 Cerebrum Telencephalon 83% of mass Diencephalon

16 Ventricles Expansions of neural tube Continuous Naming

17 Ventricles Septum pellucidum Cerebral aqueduct Subarachnoid space

18 Cerebral fluid Functions cushioning buoyancy nutrients Choroid plexus

19 Medulla oblongata Inferior brain stem Myelencephalon Pyramids
Nerve crossover

20 Pons and cerebellum Metencephalon Borders fourth ventricle
Information receiver and sender

21 Cerebellum 11% mass Lobes, hemispheres, vermis Layers
outer gray cortex middle arbor vitae Inner cerebral nuclei

22 Cerebellum Peduncles superior middle inferior

23 Cerebellar processing
1. Signal received by cerebrum and cerebellum simultaneously 2. Cerebrum initiates muscle contraction 3. Cerebellum receives info. from receptors 4. Cerebellum dispatches signal to cerebrum 5. Cerebrum adjusts muscle contraction accordingly

24 Mesencephalon Location Corpora quadrigemina, cerebral aqueduct
A. superior colliculi (vision) B. inferior colliculi (auditory)

25 Diencephalon Location 1. Thalamus 80% of volume
group impulses and relay

26 Diencephalon 2. Hypothalamus Location
Function: visceral control center blood pressure emotions temperature hormones via pituitary

27 Diencephalon 3. Epithalamus Location: roof of 3rd. Ventricle
Pineal (sleep-wake cycle) melatonin Choroid plexus

28 Telencephalon Cerebral hemispheres Functions muscle contraction memory
understanding communication perception

29 Reticular formation Loosely clustered neurons 3 groupings
midline raphe medial nuclear lateral nuclear Input from muscles Alerts the cerebral cortex

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