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Zlata’s Diary A Child’s life in Sarajevo by Zlata Filipović

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1 Zlata’s Diary A Child’s life in Sarajevo by Zlata Filipović

2 Zlata’s Diary - Vocabulary
barricades – (noun) a defensive barrier hastily constructed, as in a street, to stop an enemy. On March 2 (Monday) the whole city was full of barricades. procession – (noun) a group of people or things moving forwards in an orderly, regular, or ceremonial manner The procession set out from the cathedral. shrapnel – (noun) shell fragments from either a bomb, missile or bullet. A piece of shrapnel lodged in her brain and she died. slaughter – (noun) the killing of great numbers of people or animals massacre – (noun) the savage killing of large numbers of people, as in battle SLAUGHTER! MASSACRE! HORROR! CRIME! BLOOD! SCREAMS! TEARS! DESPAIR! dismembered - (verb) to cut or remove the limbs (arms and/or legs) Through her tears she told us how she had seen dismembered bodies. negotiating – (verb) to deal or bargain with another or others in the preparation of a treaty or contract. The “kids” are negotiating, and we are dying. meddling – (verb) to get involved in a matter without right or invitation; interfere Now politics has started meddling around

3 Zlata’s Diary - Vocabulary
barricades – (noun) a defensive barrier hastily constructed, as in a street, to stop an enemy. procession – (noun) a group of people or things moving forwards in an orderly, regular, or ceremonial manner shrapnel – (noun) shell fragments from either a bomb, missile or bullet. slaughter – (noun) the killing of great numbers of people or animals massacre – (noun) the savage killing of large numbers of people, as in battle dismembered - (verb) to cut or remove the limbs (arms and/or legs) negotiating – (verb) to deal or bargain with another or others in the preparation of a treaty or contract. meddling – (verb) to get involved in a matter without right or invitation; interfere

4 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

5 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

6 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

7 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

8 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

9 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

10 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

11 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

12 Pictures of the Siege of Sarajevo

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