Biogeochemical Cycles

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Presentation on theme: "Biogeochemical Cycles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biogeochemical Cycles
All Matter is recycled There are four cycles we will discuss: Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Phosphorus Cycle Water/Hydrologic Cycle

2 Biogeochemical Cycles
Life Earth Atoms, Elements, and Compounds Nitrogen, Carbon, Phosphorus, and Water Cycle all demonstrate how elements and compounds recycle through the Earth in order to support life.

3 Carbon Cycle

4 Carbon Cycle Carbon exists as CO2 in the atmosphere
Photosynthesis uses CO2 to form sugar Returns to the atmosphere by Cellular Respiration Decay Fossil Fuels burning

5 Nitrogen Cycle

6 Nitrogen Cycle 78% of air is N in a nonusable form
Usable formed in soil by: Bacteria doing nitrogen fixation Lightening doing atmospheric fixation Plants use nitrates and ammonium in growth Herbivores consume plants and turn N plant proteins into N animal proteins Denitrifying bacteria return N to the atmosphere

7 Phosphorus Cycle

8 Phosphorus Cycle 2 cycles: short term and long term
Short term: phosphorus in soil->plants-> herbivores-> decay into soil Long term: phosphates washed out to sea and become incorporated into sediment when exposed they reenter the cycle

9 Water/Hydrologic Cycle

10 Water/Hydrologic Cycle
Evaporation: liquid to gas Transpiration: evaporation of water on plant leaves Condensation: gas to liquid Precipitation: rain

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