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Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from H1 The average per person

3 $100 Answer from H1 What is per capita?

4 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

5 $200 Question from H1 Total value of goods and services
produced by a country in one year

6 $200 Answer from H1 What is the GDP?

7 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

8 $300 Question from H1 Examples are transportation and communications
links, power distribution systems, schools and hospitals

9 $300 Answer from H1 What is infrastructure?

10 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

11 $400 Question from H1 Most countries at the bottom of the
Human Development Index in debt to developed nations

12 $400 Answer from H1 What are Highly Indebted Poor Countries ?

13 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

14 $500 Question from H1 These often control the resources
of debtor nations which never allows the nation out of debt

15 $500 Answer from H1 What are multinational companies?

16 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

17 $100 Question from H2 In each of the last 6 years of the 20th
century, Canada ranked 1st in this.

18 $100 Answer from H2 What is the Human Development Index?

19 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

20 $200 Question from H2 This HDI measurement is all about
what you are doing right now

21 $200 Answer from H2 What is literacy?

22 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

23 $300 Question from H2 In more than 20 countries in 1999,
this HDI measurement was less than 50

24 $300 Answer from H2 What is life expectancy ?

25 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

26 $400 Question from H2 The fact that the wealth of 200 of the
richest people was more than 41% of the world’s population’s income shows this amazing gap.

27 $400 Answer from H2 What is the gap between the rich and the poor?

28 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

29 $500 Question from H2 “Save the Children and Oxfam are
examples of these.

30 $500 Answer from H2 What are Non-Governmental Agencies (NGOs)?

31 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

32 $100 Question from H3 The cycle which keeps many with little hope for a healthy future

33 $100 Answer from H3 What is the Poverty Trap?

34 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

35 $200 Question from H3 Set up after WW2, these UN agencies
were to assist countries’ economic growth

36 $200 Answer from H3 What are the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund?

37 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

38 $300 Question from H3 Development initiatives caused these problems

39 $300 Answer from H3 What is environmental damage?

40 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

41 $400 Question from H3 Growing cash crops, privatizing
government service and encouraging foreign investment

42 $400 Answer from H3 What are Structural Adjustment Programs?

43 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

44 $500 Question from H3 The best way to intervene in the poverty trap

45 $500 Answer from H3 What is provide nourishment/health
education to pregnant women?

46 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

47 $100 Question from H4 In some male-dominated societies,
women have very few of these rights

48 $100 Answer from H4 What are legal rights?

49 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

50 $200 Question from H4 In most developing countries, this rate
is lower for the female population

51 $200 Answer from H4 What is the literacy rate?

52 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

53 $300 Question from H4 Education for girls in much of India
is seen as a waste – they are kept at home to do this

54 $300 Answer from H4 What is care for young children and do chores?

55 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

56 $400 Question from H4 Demographers agree that this is
connected to a country’s economic development

57 $400 Answer from H4 What is the fertility rate?

58 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

59 $500 Question from H4 A measure of the risk a child faces
in different countries of the world

60 $500 Answer from H4 What is the Child Risk Index?

61 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

62 $100 Question from H5 Reason why clean open water sources are so rare in many developing countries

63 $100 Answer from H5 What is using water for consumption
as well as for waste disposal ?

64 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

65 $200 Question from H5 Found in water, parasites enter the body
through cuts and damage the liver

66 $200 Answer from H5 What is Bilharzia?

67 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

68 $300 Question from H5 HIV/Aids destroys this and makes people
susceptible to disease

69 $300 Answer from H5 What is the immune system?

70 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

71 $400 Question from H5 UNICEF has reported that 1/3 of the
11 million people in Africa infected with AIDS have been these

72 $400 Answer from H5 What are children?

73 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

74 $500 Question from H5 An epidemic that occurs over a wide
geographic area

75 $500 Answer from H5 What is a pandemic?

76 Jeopardy Measuring Wealth Traps and Debt Women and Children Health
Crisis Terms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

77 Final Jeopardy Funded by a number of governments
and involves large scale developments

78 Final Jeopardy Answer What is multilateral aid?

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