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D7 or C1: -1: Tip-tilt B-OSEMs, D25 -2: VOPO suspension A-OSEMs, D25

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Presentation on theme: "D7 or C1: -1: Tip-tilt B-OSEMs, D25 -2: VOPO suspension A-OSEMs, D25"— Presentation transcript:

1 D7 or C1: -1: Tip-tilt B-OSEMs, D25 -2: VOPO suspension A-OSEMs, D25 -3: VOPO suspension A-OSEMs, D25 -4: Injection platform low voltage components, D25 -5 Injection platform high voltage components, D25 D4: All of these go to -1. We need to come up with a designation to indicate where they are installed on the cross. D4-2: SQZ 532nm optical fiber D4-3: SQZ 1064nm optical fiber

2 0) Beam diverter new location
1) Tip tilt: 1 x D-25 cable from top 2) VOPO suspension: 2 x D-25 cable from top 3) Items on suspended platform: 2 x D-25 cable from top 4) Optical fibers: 2 patchcords from D4



5 Optical Fiber end

6 L1, Carl: Will the fiber and the SEI cabling all make the turn and fit within the 5 way cross fitting? As cables bend to make a turn like that, you might end up with less room than you would think. I would at least test fit the feedthroughs with the cables to ensure they all can make the bend and fit properly. The only blank port is D7 on top, however, Scott informs me that ideally he would like to move the ion pump from D8 to that flange as in it's current location on D8 it rains detritus onto sensitive items on the HAM6 Table.  If he made this move would D8 work for you, or do you need D7?  The central top flange C1 currently has some vacuum gauges installed on them. D4 is looking like it would have the most room for you to work with, we need to be careful to try to not touch the blue cross beam with any cables. I see that D4-3 has only one DB25 cable on it.  If it were at all possible to connect this cable on a free connector on D1-3C2 or D2-3C2, you would have this flange all to yourselves. Scott: We are willing to move things around to accommodate the scope of work but the less we move the better. I would prefer to move the gauge pair instead of the ion pump just because it would be less invasive e.g. no crane hook would be needed through the top of the cleanroom. Keep in mind the current cleanroom over HAM6 at LLO does not have roof access from what I remember.  H1, Chandra: If you need a top port, we could combine the turbo pump with the gauge to free one up for the squeezer. We would need to purchase a custom spool Richard: We would have to come up with a new strain relief scheme for the D4 flange.  I would like to go on the floor and look at the orientation to the cross arm since we need to have some radius of bend on whatever we feed through. 



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