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Ecology Unit Test Review

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1 Ecology Unit Test Review
AP Bio

2 DO Quiz Review Which temperature of water can hold more DO, warm or cold? Which type of water has more space between water molecules because they are moving faster, warm or cold? Which one becomes saturated quicker (potential to become saturated), warm or cold? Answer: cold, warm, warm because saturated quicker

3 Answer the following about the ecological hierarchy
What level has species that can interbreed? What level connects ecosystems? What is the largest level that includes the rest? Answer: Population, landscape, biosphere

4 Answer the following in regards to aquatic biomes
In a lake or pond what is the layer called that separates warmer waters from cooler? What is the zone called made of detritus material? What zone are the depths of the oceans called? What is the layer of light penetration called? Answers: thermocline, benthic, abyssal, photic

5 Why is it important that a lake or pond undergoes a semiannual mixing of water?
Answer: to mix nutrients and oxygen from the deeper layers to the top again

6 What are the 4 major global climate factors caused by the sun?
Answer: Seasonal variation, variations in sunlight intensity, precipitation, wind (air circulation), water current temperatures/coastal temps.

7 Answer the following about reproduction strategies
Write an “I” or an “S” for itero or semelparous for each of the following… Salmon- Density Dependent- Big Bang Reproduction- K Selective- Disease- S I S I I

8 Name the 5 levels of trophic structure
Name the 5 levels of trophic structure. Then, name the type of consumer that feeds on dead/decaying matter. Answer: primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, quaternary consumer…Detritivore

9 When two organisms fight for a limiting resource what is this called
When two organisms fight for a limiting resource what is this called? They can’t share the same occupation in their habitat what is this called? Answer: competitive exclusion, niche

10 Answer the following about the caterpillar
Secondary or primary production? Why? Why aren’t all 200J being used from the leaf it’s eating? Answer: secondary production because it’s a consumer and converting chemical energy from food into its own biomass. It loses energy to respiration, feces, etc.

11 Name 1 thing in this picture following the 2nd law of thermodynamics
Answer: entropy or chaos of the universe, the 67J being lost as heat through respiration

12 Identify whether the following would be either good or bad for dissolved oxygen in an aquatic ecosystem. Average Light- Nutrients- High Temperature- Fish or other aquatic heterotrophs- good, would mean more photosynthesis and oxygen bad, could cause algal blooms and block light (eutrophic) bad, lower dissolved oxygen bad, consumes oxygen through respiration

13 Answer the following as primary or secondary succession
Glacier- Volcano- Clear-cut forest- Wildfire- Soil still exists- primary primary secondary secondary secondary

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