Kindergarten ITWA March 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten ITWA March 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten ITWA March 2013
Pointillism Kindergarten ITWA March 2013

2 What is Pointillism? Answer: Pointillism is pictures painting using dots.

3 Featured Artist: Georges Seurat

4 His Famous Painting A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte- 1884

5 A Close Up- see the dots?

6 More Examples The Siene at La Grande Jatte The Eiffel Tower

7 Pointillism with Q-tips
(3:50 – 6:45 min)

8 St. Patrick’s Day Pointillism

9 St. Patrick’s Day Pointillism
Sketch a clover leaf and a rainbow using pencil May provide a template for the students to trace Dip Q-tips in Tempura paint and fill the sketch with dots Try not to leave white space

10 Supplies Paper or canvas no larger than 6”x6” Q-tips Tempura paints
Paper plates for paints

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