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The Rise of Dictators Prior to World War II

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1 The Rise of Dictators Prior to World War II
Facts: World Wide Depression was going on beginning in 1929 People had no money and little food Strong leaders began to emerge promising a “better life” Economic Depression: A state of the economy resulting from an extended period of negative economic activity as measured by GDP. Over a period of time, an economic depression can lead to: 1) Unemployment 2) Decline in personal income 3) Decline in Industry production 4) Currency is worth little to nothing Why did people support the rise of dictators prior to World War II?

2 Germany’s Problems Germany had to pay heavy Reparations-money that a country or group that loses a war pays because of the damage, injury or deaths it has caused. German economy fell completely apart. Severe Inflation-an abnormal increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods resulting in a sharp and continuing rise in price levels-hit Germany Many German leaders (Adolf Hitler) who fought in World War I wanted revenge

3 President Paul von Hindenburg
President Paul von Hindenburg was the German Head of State under the Weimar Constitution Appointed Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany in 1934 Hindenburg was a national hero so the German people thought the appointment of Hitler was great Hindenburg died on August 2, 1934 Hitler manipulated people within the government and eventually would assume full power over Germany Hitler became the Dictator in Germany shortly after Hindenburg’s death

4 How did Hitler become so powerful?
A “New” Germany How did Hitler become so powerful? Hitler used “PROPAGANDA” to his full advantage Propaganda-a form of communication, often biased or misleading in nature, aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population toward some cause, position or political agenda. Hitler convinced the German people that the victors from World War I (Great Britain, France and the United States) were the enemy and that they sought to humiliate Germany and place the blame on Germany for the devastation of World War I.

5 Hitler as a Powerful Orator
“I shall give a propagandist reason for starting the war-never mind whether it is plausible or not. The victor will not be asked afterward whether he told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war it is not RIGHT that matters, but victory.” The German people turned to Hitler because they were desperate, hungry and vengeful “All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.” Hitler used his own feelings and prejudices to manipulate the German people Thus, he was able to justify plunging Germany into another World War.

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