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Pre-World War II On the Edge.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-World War II On the Edge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-World War II On the Edge

2 Pre-WWII “Nature is cruel, so we may be cruel too… I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin” -Adolf Hitler

3 Pre-WWII 30,000,000 Casualties 24 Million Soldiers and Civilians
Canada, Britain, France, Russian, Germany, Italy, Japan, and USA 6 Million Jews and other “undesirables” German Concentration Camps Work & Death Camps

4 How?

5 Pre-WWII- GERMANY 1) Treaty of Versailles
Suppress Germany & Prevent Future War Paid $5 Billion in Reparations Military reduced standing army No subs, aircraft, or heavy artillery Colonies given to other Nations War Guilt WWI Germany’s Fault German People- Humiliated Economy Destroyed


7 Pre-WWII- GERMANY 2) Financial Crisis Inflation
An increase in prices & decrease in value of money Borrowed money to pay for WWI Huge debt = Government Prints Money Deutsche Mark More Money = Less Values DM = 1USD DM = 1USD Life Savings Gone

8 Pre-WWII- GERMANY 3) Depression Great Depression effects Germany
Suffered through similar issues Unemployment Wage reduction Businesses closing Struggled for the necessities of life

9 Pre-WWII- GERMANY “Believe me, our misery will increase! The Government itself is the biggest swindler and crook. People are starving on millions of marks! We will no longer submit! We want a dictatorship!”

10 Pre-WWII- GERMANY 4) Political Instability
No Party able to take control- Minority Govt. Conditions get worse = listen to extreme National Socialist (Nazi Party) Govt. run by Army & Wealthy Privately owned Industry Increase Military Strength No Democratic Government Activities of Jews and Foreigners restricted Blamed them for Economic struggles

11 Hitler’s Rise to Power

12 Text Work Read pages Fact File Terms page 228

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