Creating Durability on the Network

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Durability on the Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Durability on the Network
8th November 2018 UK Highways Brian Kent National Technical Director

2 Innovation Progress over the last 30 years

3 Communication Industry
60 SECOND FILM Communication Industry

4 Communication Industry
60 SECOND FILM Communication Industry

5 Communication Industry
60 SECOND FILM Communication Industry

6 60 SECOND FILM Car Industry

7 60 SECOND FILM Car Industry

8 60 SECOND FILM Television

9 60 SECOND FILM Television

10 Construction Industry
More for less More for less and now More for Less Outcome ?

11 ALARM 2018 findings: Structural road conditions
20% of roads classed as structurally poor – with less than 5 year’s life remaining.

12 ALARM 2018 findings: Road Condition Index (RCI) (ii)

13 ALARM 2018 findings: Potholes
Over 1 million potholes filled in 2018 at a cost approaching £100m. Over the last decade million potholes have been filled in at a cost exceeding £1 billion.

14 ALARM 2018 findings: One-time catch-up cost

15 One pothole being filled every 21 secs
Pothole Filling Costs One pothole being filled every 21 secs

16 Construction More for Less ? We’ve done it
Many engineers throughout the country have performed exceptionally well to achieve what we have during this period of austerity.

17 October Budget Announcement
£29 billion National Roads Fund, which will fund Highways England’s Road Investment Strategy 2 from 2020/21 to 2024/25 and investment in the Major (local) Roads Network; Road Maintenance: £420 million extra will be allocated immediately for local road and bridge maintenance in 2018/19 in England. Note ; existing levels of Central Government support for local road maintenance is c. £1 billion pa and such support accounts for about 45% of local road maintenance budgets

18 Needs to be spent wisely Whole Life Cost Approach

19 We need to move from ‘Transactional Procurement’ to ‘Value Added Procurement’

20 Right Value For Money Whole Life Costing First Time
How about Right First Time Value For Money Whole Life Costing

21 Construction Industry
We actually can have more But whole life costing and innovation need to be embraced

22 Styrelf

23 What are Polymer Modified Bitumens?
Are PMB’s all the same? What is Styrelf? What can Styrelf offer to asphalt performance? Are these materials Durable? What is the impact on Asset Management? Presentation outline

24 What is the impact on Asset Management?
Through collaboration and exchange, we can work together....through the supply chain to optimise the approach to design The Total Styrelf materials provide top drawer performance. Combined with optimised asphalt design, optimised application control and suitable specification, impact on Asset Management can be significant The best way to sustainability is do a job right, first time and build to last.

25 Total Slide







32 INNOVATION REDUCED WEATHER WINDOW RESTRICTIONS Anti-Skids are seasonal and cannot be laid on a wet surface. ULTIGRIP can be laid all year round subject to typical asphalt weather restrictions, eliminating aborted work costs. SKID RESISTANCE Similar SCRIM level to conventional anti-skid. FASTER INSTALLATION Quick single pass, thereby reducing costs and minimising disruption to road users - Anti-skid two visits required REDUCED WHOLE-LIFE COST Avoiding several remedial visits / costs re Traffic Management, Anti-skid costs and potentially surface course replacement too due to Anti-skid ‘tearing’ effect. ENHANCED DURABILITY Normally at least three times longer lasting than typical anti-skid alternatives. SAFER Reduces the risk of accidents and costly legal claims. Liability


Warm Mix Asphalt Benefits


36 ULTIPATCH SITEMIX REDUCED COSTS Avoid plant opening charges and unprofitable lost ‘man time’ queuing at plants and transporting material to site. ELIMINATES WASTAGE Only mix what is needed. No unnecessary material costs, or disposal costs of unused material ENHANCED WORKABILITY Fresh asphalt will typically be more workable than older material. DURABILITY Improved compliance with insitu voids criteria and improved durability from better compaction and optimum binder performance. READY TO GO 24/7. Ideal for unplanned emergency work and work at remote or congested locations SAFER Available in 20kg bags and no need for mixer end loading.


38 Material Selection - Horses For Courses

39 Innovation Has Delivered
Cold Lay Asphalts Warm Mix Asphalts Fuel Resisting Asphalts 942 Asphalts PMB Enhanced Flexibility Asphalt Site Mix Asphalts Grouted Asphalts High Skid Resistance Asphalts Longer Life Storage Asphalts Agricultural Asphalts SAMI Asphalts Airfield Asphalts Racing Circuit Asphalts Industrial Asphalts Coloured Asphalts Single Layer Asphalts Utility Asphalts


41 Communication & Education
Need more industry relevant qualifications More Technical support required Too many special product names / options Inadequate early education Lack of awareness Shortage of forums Lack of communication within LA Past failures/Bad experiences Shortage of online training Lack of understanding Public perception Lack of training Poor marketing Poor communication from suppliers Lack of visible benefits Poor at sharing innovation Lack of case studies One sided development Insufficient time to consider Change of local culture Resistance to change Lack of in house knowledge Staff turnover

42 Confidence & Specifications
Workmanship Issues Lack of trust Confidence Perception Lack of site monitoring Too many intermediaries Existing specifications too restrictive Political Barriers Lack of specification No performance based design Performance / Durability concern Too much effort Fear of the unknown Personalities Risk adverse Stick to what you know Public accountability

43 Costs – Short term v Whole life
Payment mechanism risk Perception of high cost Lack of incentives Extended guarantees required Lack of funding Transparency of cost No whole life costing Restricted budgets Future maintenance cost Rigidity of contracts Procurement

44 Costs – Short term v Whole life
Payment mechanism risk Perception of high cost Lack of incentives Extended guarantees required Lack of funding Transparency of cost No whole life costing approach Restricted budgets Future maintenance cost Rigidity of contracts Procurement

45 The Investment needs to be spent wisely

46 Construction Industry
More for less is not consistently sustainable There will be a few gems In some cases we can have ‘more for less’ right now In others the ‘more for less’ only comes over time There are examples of innovation being progressed, but generally in local pockets rather than nationally

47 Construction Industry
If we want more durability Greater value for money Less public disruption To be a more environmentally friendly industry Then we have to change our approach We have to encourage innovation We have to find a way to allow innovation to be embraced and overcome the Procurement and restrictive short term funding barriers.

48 Introducing RAP - Common in the industry by ?
ITV Tomorrows World ULTILAYER v HRA Introducing RAP - Common in the industry by ?

49 Common in the industry by – The early 2000’s
ITV Tomorrows World ULTILAYER v HRA Common in the industry by – The early 2000’s

50 What do we want to be ? A ‘Transactional Procurement’ or ‘Value Added Procurement’ industry ? A UK leading industry which is an example to others ? Innovative and quick to embrace change and obtain associated benefits ?

51 Innovation Progress

52 Wouldn’t it be something to have them looking at us and asking how we did it ?

53 Thank You For Listening


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