OFDM(2) Matrix Based Simlation

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Presentation on theme: "OFDM(2) Matrix Based Simlation"— Presentation transcript:

1 OFDM(2) Matrix Based Simlation
Fire Tom Wada Professor, Information Engineering, Univ. of the Ryukyus Chief Scientist at Magna Design Net, Inc 2/28/2019

2 OFDM Modulator P / S M A P S / P IFFT Bit stream generated0~dN-1 Copy
to make Guard Interval P / S M A P S / P IFFT OFDM symbol (1/f0) Tg Bit stream generated0~dN-1 2/28/2019

3 Multi-path channel Tg OFDM symbol (1/f0) Tg OFDM symbol (1/f0)

4 OFDM Demodulator S / P DFT P / S Noise Equalize Bit Stream D E M A P
Remove Guard Interval DFT P / S Noise OFDM symbol (1/f0) Tg D E M A P Equalize Bit Stream 2/28/2019

5 FFT matrix 2/28/2019

6 IFFT matrix 2/28/2019

7 Multi-path channel in Matrix
GI of n-1 Symbol n-1 GI of n Symbol n 2/28/2019

8 If Multi-path delay is small than GI length
Channel Matrix is Cyclic Matrix! 2/28/2019

9 Two path Multi path Channel Example
Base Station Receiver Channel Impulse Response = [1, 0.5 , 0, 0]

10 Two path Multi path Channel Example
If time domain channel matrix is cyclic, Frequency Domain Channel Matrix is diagonal!

11 Additive Noise 2/28/2019

12 How to recover sending signal from receiver signal. - EQUALIZE -

13 SysArch2008 Midterm Report
Modify SCILAB program “MatrixOFDMSimulation1.sce” to measure Symbol Error Rate vs S/N ratio in M=16 OFDM with QPSK modulation Make Symbol Error Rate vs SN ratio Vertical: SER in log scale Horizontal: SN ratio 0dB, 1dB … to 15dB Your report should contain your program and measured data in Graph. Dead Line : December End 2008 Please submit to TA: Kenta-san 2/28/2019

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