Grauer and Barber Series

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Presentation on theme: "Grauer and Barber Series"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grauer and Barber Series
2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

2 Overview of Windows Windows is a system software program (operating system) that Loads automatically when the computer is turned on Controls computer operations and peripheral devices 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

3 Windows 98 Interface Graphical Icon Representing software Background
Main Screen of Window Your screen may be different due to customization Desktop Start Button Taskbar 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

4 The Desktop and Components
Area where icons (pictures representing software) reside Icon Desktop Start Button Taskbar Background 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

5 The Windows Desktop Different versions of the desktop include:
Classic Style Double-click the left mouse button twice on graphical icon Web Style Click the left mouse button on underlined graphical icon Working Desktop One or Windows can be opened on the desktop Set version using View Menu/Folder Options from My Computer Icon 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

6 Classic Style Double-click the graphical to execute program 2/28/2019
Essentials of Windows

7 Web Style Single-click the graphical icon to execute program
Shortcut Menu 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

8 A Working Desktop Icons are underlined Single-click to access software
Minimize button Exit button Maximize button Other windows opened An opened Application 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

9 Aspects of the Desktop Start button is used to start a software program Running multiple programs at the same time is called multitasking Use the taskbar to switch from one program to another Save work prior to switching from one program to another (usually a File Save command) 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

10 Mouse Operations Point – move the mouse to object
Click – point and click left mouse button on object Double-click – point and double-click left mouse button Drag – point, click, move and drag the left mouse button Right-click – point and right-click mouse button on object Pulls a short-cut menu to perform command on object operations Use left mouse thereafter to execute command 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

11 My Computer Icon Review of information from various devices
A - floppy disk drive C - hard drive D - CD-ROM drive E – Zip Drive Usage of control panel, printer, dial-up access My Computer Contents 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

12 Desktop Icon Content Network Neighborhood Recycle Bin
Allows view to other network systems Recycle Bin Contains files deleted from hard drive C Files are deleted in either My Computer or Windows Explorer Internet Explorer Software to allow information viewing via Internet Desktop can be customized with other icons 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

13 The Common User Interface
Menus have common structure Title Bar – contains the name of application Menu Bar- allows access to commands Toolbars – allow shortcuts to commands Minimize button – places open application on task bar Maximize button – makes window full screen Close button – exits an application Status bar – shows information about current window Scroll Bars – allow us to visually view window areas 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

14 Moving and Sizing a Window
Move a Window by clicking and dragging its title bar Pointer has four arrows Size a Window by pointing and dragging the border Pointer has double-arrow 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

15 Pull-Down Menus Use the pull-down menus to access commands like open, save, and print Point-and-click on menu for access Right-clicking an object also accesses a menu Menus will change depending on software being used Command that are dimmed are not current available for access 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

16 Dialog Boxes Submenus from other menus Dialog boxes contain
Option (radio) buttons Check boxes Text boxes List boxes Tabbed dialog box Command buttons Help button 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

17 Help Command Help from the Start button
Provides detailed information on Windows topics Contents tab – table of contents Index tab – specific topic Search tab – search for specific help Help Menu Start Help 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

18 Formatting a 3 1/2 Floppy Disk
Formatting prepares a diskette for saving work onto it. Formatting Wipes out any contents on disk Reformats the disk with tracks and sectors Allows for up to 1.44 MB of storage Disks are usually already formatted, however Data 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

19 Hands-On Exercise One In this exercise, we will
Use and customize My Computer Double-click the My computer icon on desktop Format a blank diskette In my computer, use the File, Format command Use the View Folder menu to change from classic to web style Use the Start, Help command and review the help menu 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

20 Files and Folders A file contains either
Program instructions or software or data/information A file is created in software and saved with a filename Filename is created by user, software tags extension on file Filename can be up to 256 characters Format of filename is Filename.extension Created with work is saved using File/Save 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

21 Folder/Directories Folders are created to organize related files into their own areas Folders are similar to paper folders that contain papers Folders can be created when software is installed Folders can be created by user 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

22 Structure of Folders/files using My Computer
2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

23 Types of files and their extensions
filename.doc Wordprocessing document filename.xls Spreadsheet file filename.mdb Access database filename.ppt PowerPoint Presentation Others include exe (software), jpg (graphic file), bmp (bitmapped file) 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

24 Hands-On Exercise Two In this exercise, we will
Use Microsoft Explorer and view the web site Download/Install practice files onto a formatted diskette (drive a) Use My Computer to double-click a file opens a file where it was created (Word) Insert a sentence in a file Print the contents of a file (File, Print) Save the file (File, Save As) Use the File, exit menus to leave Microsoft Word 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

25 Windows Explorer Comprehensive facility to perform file management operations View drive content Folder (directory) content Files contained in folders Other operations include copying, sending, moving, deleting, and renaming folders/files 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

26 Windows Explorer Interface
Files in Folder Windows Explorer Interface Folder on Drive C Drives 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

27 Windows Explorer Characteristics
Use the + to expand folder Use the – to collapse a folder Use scrollbars to view window areas Icons scrollbar 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

28 Hands-On Exercise Three
In this exercise, we will Use the Windows Explorer software through the Start, Programs, Windows Explorer Change to classic and web style by using the View, Folder Options command Use the + and – buttons to expand or collapse areas in the left window pane (Skip local network section) Use the Internet Explorer Icon to view Use the back and forward buttons 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

29 Basics of File Management
Moving a file cuts or removes from current location and places it elsewhere Copying a file places a duplicate in another location Deleting a file removes a file Files deleted from Drive C remain in Recycle Bin Recycle bin located on Windows desktop 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

30 Hands-On Exercise Four
In this exercise, we will Use the Windows Explorer to Create a new folder Right-click drive A and choose New, Folder Use drag-and-drop to move files from one folder to another Copy a folder to make a duplicate Delete a Folder View the recycle bin for deleted folder Recycle Bin is located on Windows Desktop Write-protect a floppy disk 2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

31 Windows Homework Assignment
2/28/2019 Essentials of Windows

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