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Presentation on theme: "DASAR-DASAR PEMASARAN"— Presentation transcript:

MINGGU KE II DASAR-DASAR PEMASARAN Pokok Bahasan: Macam-macam Filosopi Pemasaran Pentingnya Pemasaran Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: Mampu membandingkan Filosopi-filosopi Pemasaran Mampu menjelaskan pentingnya pemasaran DASAR2 PEMASARAN

2 Marketing Management Orientations
Production Concept Consumers favor products that are available and highly affordable. Improve production and distribution. Consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance, and innovative features. Consumers will buy products only if the company promotes/ sells these products. Focuses on needs/ wants of target markets & delivering satisfaction better than competitors. markets & delivering superior value. Product Concept Selling Concept Marketng Concept Societal Marketing Concept DASAR2 PEMASARAN

3 Marketing and Sales Concepts Contrasted
The Selling Concept Starting Point Focus Means Ends Factory Existing Products Selling and Promoting Profits through Volume Market Customer Needs Integrated Marketing Profits through Satisfaction The Marketing Concept DASAR2 PEMASARAN

4 Societal Marketing Concept
Society (Human Welfare) Societal Marketing Concept Consumers (Want Satisfaction) Company (Profits) DASAR2 PEMASARAN

5 Marketing is important to you
Marketing is important to every consumer Marketing will be important to you job Marketing effects standart of living and economic grow DASAR2 PEMASARAN


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