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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS JEOPARDY. THIS IS JEOPARDY With Your Host... Ms. Mendel."— Presentation transcript:



3 With Your Host... Ms. Mendel

4 Nonrenewable Resource
Natural Resources Renewable Resources Nonrenewable Resource Pollution Conservation The 3 R’s 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 What are the two types of natural resources?

6 Renewable and nonrenewable resources

7 Name 2 natural resources

8 Sun, water, trees, grass, wind, etc.

9 All natural resources are renewable.
True or False: All natural resources are renewable. A 300

10 Natural resources are also nonrenewable
FALSE. Natural resources are also nonrenewable A 300

11 Name two natural nonrenewable resources

12 Coal, oil, kaolin, soil, rocks, etc.

13 What is the definition of a natural resource?

14 A resource that is found in nature that is used by living things.

15 All renewable resources are found in nature and used by living things.
True or False. All renewable resources are found in nature and used by living things. B 100

16 True B 100

17 Why are trees considered renewable resources?

18 They can be replaced in a human lifetime.

19 Name 3 renewable resources.

20 Trees, grass, water, sun, wind, etc.
B 300

21 What is the definition for renewable resource?

22 A resource that can be replaced in a human lifetime.

23 How can renewable resources be used to create cleaner energy?

24 Solar energy, wind energy, etc
Solar energy, wind energy, etc. creates electricity, heats homes, powers cars, and will keep us from running out of important resources! B 500

25 Name one nonrenewable resource.

26 Oil, kaolin, gasoline, rocks, soil, etc.

27 Why is it important to conserve nonrenewable resources?

28 So that we don’t run out! C 200

29 True or False. Farm chemicals that run into a river is called runoff, and pollutes the water. C 300

30 True C 300


32 All of the fish in a creek have died. What may have caused this?

33 Oil spill, chemicals in the water, runoff, etc.

34 What can you can do to cut down on air pollution?

35 Walk to school, carpool, ride a bike, etc.

36 Name the three types of pollution we’ve studied.

37 Air, water, and land pollution

38 What can we do to decrease the amount of pollution we create?

39 Conserve resources! Reduce, reuse, recycle! D 200

40 What is pollution? D 300

41 Anything that causes harm for living and nonliving things.

42 Name one example of pollution from Just a Dream.

43 Tossing trash on the ground, Contaminated water,
Smoke stacks, Tossing trash on the ground, Contaminated water, overflowing landfills, Etc. D 400

44 In The Lorax, the Onceler cuts down all of the truffula trees
In The Lorax, the Onceler cuts down all of the truffula trees. What is it called when you cut down trees? D 500

45 deforestation D 500

46 How can you conserve water?

47 Take showers instead of baths, turn of the water when brushing teeth, etc.

48 Where would you need to conserve water most
Where would you need to conserve water most? In a desert or at the beach? Why? E 200

49 In the desert! In the desert, there is less water, so you need to be extra careful not to use it all up! E 200

50 What are three ways we can conserve resources?

51 Reduce, reuse, recycle! E 300

52 Saving resources by using them wisely is known as _______________.

53 conservation E 400

54 Instead of using his boat’s motor, Johnny uses the sail
Instead of using his boat’s motor, Johnny uses the sail. What is he conserving? E 500

55 gasoline E 500

56 To use less of a resource is to __________ your use of it.

57 reduce F 100

58 What resource are you conserving by recycling paper?
F 200

59 trees F 200

60 Compare recycling resources with reducing the use of resources.

61 Both recycling and reducing are forms of conservation
Both recycling and reducing are forms of conservation. When you recycle something, you break it down to create something new. When you reduce your use, you are using less of a resource. F 300

62 Give an example of reusing a resource, and name the resource you’re conserving by doing so.

63 Ex. Reusable grocery bag – saves plastic bags
Water bottle – cuts down on plastic water bottles F 400

64 Name 2 things you can do at school to reduce, reuse, or recycle.
F 500

65 Recycle paper, bring a reusable water bottle from home to cut down on Styrofoam cups in the cafeteria, ride the bus or walk to school instead of driving, use only one paper towel to dry hands, etc. F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: STEM Please record your wager.
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67 Click on screen to continue
In class you mined chocolate chips from a cookie. What was the “take away” from that activity? Click on screen to continue

68 Strip mining destroys the land, and causes land pollution
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69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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