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Engineering Experience

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1 Engineering Experience
Team Up!

2 Engineering Experience
Task: You are engineers hired to design the framework for the model of a tall building. Materials Available: 20 Pipe cleaners. 1 bag per groups of 3 Engineering design report sheet -1 per person Constraints: Work as a team. You have 12 minutes to complete the challenge. Tower must be free standing-not attached to anything and not hand-held. Start with discussion and sketch of potential plan. Listen for the chime –important instructions will follow! Megan – Launching into an Engineering Experience as a team. Read Task and information. Quickly point to the person at your table who has the longest hair. That person needs to come and get your materials from the back table.

3 Constraint #1 Due to significant cuts in budgets, you will now have only 15 pipe cleaners to work with. Put 5 back in the bag. Stop after 3 minutes and cue for this slide

4 Constraint # 2 We have just learned that this project is being managed by a company from another country. Their engineers do not speak English. All team members are now forbidden to speak or write anything down. Stop after 3 more minutes and cue for this slide

5 Constraint #3 Human Resources has just informed us that we have to reduce our workforce by 50%. All team members must now work with one hand behind their back Stop after 3 more minutes and cue for this slide. Have everyone place their materials back in the bags.

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