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FUTURA Developing the Intellect through Inquiry and Investigation

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1 FUTURA Developing the Intellect through Inquiry and Investigation
Show this slide as people enter. Structures -Fall 2018

2 Beth Marks Meet the Teacher

3 Meet the Other Teacher Tuesdays Only
Arielle Fitzsimmons: Career-long GT Teacher Taught last 10 Years in Alexandria City Masters in Gifted Education Lives in Ashburn with husband and 2 sons

4 Meet the Administration
Principal: Chris Knott Assistant Principals: Andrew Lynch and Janet Davidson Dean: Tricia Valenti

5 Creightons Corner FUTURA Center Schedule
Serving: Monday- Creighton's Corner Grade 4  Tuesday- Moorefield Station Gr 5 Wednesday- Sanders Corner Gr 5 Thursday- Moorefield Station Corner Gr 4 Friday- Creighton's Corner Gr 5

6 FUTURA Goals #1 To become divergent creative thinkers who recognize problems and solve them. #2 To construct personal meaning and understanding of others and of the world around them. #3 To develop the capacity for self assessment. (ownership of the learning)

7 Expectations Involvement Collaboration Ownership Problem Solving
Involvement in active learning Development and use of planning strategies Utilization of problem solving techniques Application of core content learning to projects and products Flexibility and critical thinking Collaboration with fellow students Perseverance and task commitment Maintenance of proper classroom decorum

8 Habit 1— Be Proactive You’re in charge of yourself.
I have a “Can Do” attitude and always try my best at everything I do. I follow directions and do the right thing without being asked, even when nobody is looking. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods and don’t blame others for my wrongdoing.

9 Habit 5 - Seek First To Understand, Then to Be Understood
Listen before you talk. I listen to others without interrupting. I raise my hand when I want to speak and wait patiently to be called on. I don’t blurt out. I try to understand other people’s views and feelings, even if they are different from my own.

10 Habit 6 - Synergize Together is better.
I get along well with other people and work well in groups. I value the strengths of others and allow myself to learn from them. I know that by working together as a team we can get more done and come up with better solutions than we could alone.

11 Structures: Discover The Essential Understandings
meet the needs of the designer/user. provide frameworks. are self-supporting. can be modified. are a meaningful arrangement of elements.

12 Possible Topics Under Structures
History of Architecture Concepts in Architecture Structures in Nature Manmade Structures Structure of Language: Stories, Speaking, Writing, Acting Mathematics of Structures Physics of Structures Aesthetics of Structures (All subject areas are integrated within these topics)

13 Genius Hour “Google’s 20% Time”
Satisfy curiosities Develop Problem-solving skills Develop 21st Century Skills Develop tenacity Foster independence To provide FUTURA students with opportunities to both satisfy and elicit their intense curiosity. Provide real world application of knowledge and interactions with the thinking of professionals within the field of interest or topic. FUTURA students have the opportunity to learn and create based on interest and learning style while working at their own individual pace. Encourage independent thinking, risk-taking, creative and critical thinking. Students learn task commitment and time management skills. Reflect on individual accomplishments and set goals. Philosophy and Policy that EVERY Google employee spend 20% of their time-equivalent of one work day per week working on idea sand projects that interest them Encouraged to explore anything other than their normal day-to-day job 50% of all Google products by 2009 originated from 20% tme, including Gmail. “real breakthroughs happen when we are free from others’ expectations and driven by individual passion.” Why Project Based Learning? All students—no matter where they live or what their background— should have access to quality Project Based Learning to deepen their learning and achieve success in college, career, and life. ~Buck Institute

14 Some Resources for Genius Hour
What is Genius Hour? Inspire My Kids An Overview of Genius Hour 5th Grade Individual Projects This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA

15 Assessments 1st Skill 2nd 1 2 3 4 5 6 S T Goal Setting
Given the opportunity, the student does not demonstrate this skill Attempts to set goals but unable to meet them Sets appropriate goals and works to meet them with guidance Independently sets appropriate goals and works to meet them Independently sets and meets appropriate goals Independently sets and meets appropriately challenging goals Formal Assessments are given at the end of each semester. (late January and June) Informal Assessments are ongoing. These will be in your child’s FUTURA binder with major projects/centers work. Students are often asked to complete self-assessments prior to teacher evaluation of various products. This allows them to reflect on their learning and make comments/suggestions prior to another’s evaluation. FUTURA report cards cannot be compared to regular report cards. A ‘3’ does not equal a ‘C’. These do not go in students’ cumulative folders. These assessments are meant as a communication tool between students, teachers, and parents.

16 Our Typical Day Interest Centers Structures Curriculum
Enrichment Lunch and Recess 9:00 ish bus picks up students and they arrive by 9:15ish Unpack, go over schedule, get settled Begin with genius hour Mid-morning until lunch time = curriculum time, focused on Structures 12:25 lunch, recess 1:20- Blog 1:40-clean up , stack and pack 1:45 - dismissal Students are transported by bus from their home school to and from Creighton’s Corner ES.

17 Your Attendance Is Important To Us!
Please call both your home school and Creightons Corner at Students don’t get to opt in and out of FUTURA. FUTURA Attendance Policy!!! (new) If there is an issue at the home school (special event, stressed out about work) please let us know so we can intervene If your child is going to be late to school, please drive him or her to FUTURA center and our office will alert the base school when your child arrives You may also contact me through at and/or REMIND. However, please do so before 8;30 AM so I will be sure to see it.

18 Hungry? Students may bring their lunches from home or buy at the FUTURA center. The lunch account is connected to your child’s base school. Please make sure your child has money on his/her account if he/she plans to buy lunch when at FUTURA. Please send your child with a nutritious, allergy aware, mid-morning snack. Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle too. Lunch Time is 12:25

19 Communication Binder FUTURA News Completed Assignments and Graded
Rubrics FUTURA News Single Point Rubrics with expectations Self-assessment Articulate areas of strength and need of improvement

20 FUTURA Website
Classroom resources Opportunities for kids Updates and news Requests for donations LCPS Go- Google Classroom- BYOT

21 Required Forms at FUTURA
Media Release Form/Technology Use Form BYOT Registration (TBA) Please sign up for Remind! Emergency

22 Medicines at FUTURA Treatment Plans Medications
Must be available at FUTURA center as well as base school. Cannot travel back and forth with students on the bus.

23 Make-Up Work Policy 2 Days to make up work Let us know…

24 Worried? At Base School I have trouble getting them to understand me.
It’s hard to get along with kids my own age. I don’t like being labeled “gifted” by kids. I dislike being teased about being smart. I don’t like it when somebody gives me the brush off for doing better than they do. I have trouble coping with the way peers act. Sometimes they seem so slow to learn. I think I should be the leader because I know more. Sometimes, I’m bossy, and my friends don’t like it. It can be hard for me to work in a group because I want the work to be perfect. Sometimes I think I know more than the teacher. At FUTURA Status change Too many leaders Missing base school Make up work Overcoming academic challenge

25 Withdrawals or Changes in Placement
If, for any reason, a student needs to withdraw from the program, a parent conference will be scheduled. There is a form to be filled out, signed and returned to your child’s SEARCH teacher or us, and we will forward it to the GT office. Your child may choose to opt back in at any time beginning the NEXT school year. Mention FUTURA Attendance Policy: 4 absences = possible conference

26 Parent Concerns/Conferences
Creightons Corner ES Best times to call: 8:00-8:45 am 1:45-2:45 pm

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