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Introduction to Engineering Design II (IE 202)

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Engineering Design II (IE 202)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Engineering Design II (IE 202)
Welcome W 11.1 Introduction to Engineering Design II (IE 202) The Progress Report 1 1

2 Today’s Learning Outcomes
By the completion of today's meeting, students should be able to: Organize a final technical report incorporating design alternatives, choosing the optimum one. Present the process of building an artifact, then presenting the results of testing it using rubrics as part of a technical report. 2 2

3 Today’s Learn. Out., Cont’d
Document a portfolio encompassing reflection on the course, assessing the course and the final report. Improve communication skills in terms of preparing presentations for the poster and the celebration. 3 3

4 Items Introduced The artifact The poster The final report
The portfolio rubric The celebration rubric 4 4

5 1. The Artifact You are asked to design, simulate and build an artifact, approved by your instructor, such that you go through the experience of engineering design. Once the artifact is built, it should be tested with respect to the important parameters, then optimized. Remember that evaluation of your project finally will be mainly be based on creativity, efficiency, and cost. 5 5

6 Artifact Requirements
The artifact should demonstrate the idea of the project and act as “proof of concept”. It usually consists of a scaled model that resemble the key elements of the prototype. The platform size of the whole artifact should not exceed 1 m2. Make sure that safety considerations are met. 6 6

7 The Artifact Rubric The artifact is evaluated according to the following criteria: Creativity of the idea Performance of the artifact Need for the product in the society Cost analysis (feasibility study) Scientific Background (of each team member about the subject) 7 7

8 2. The Poster One of the means to present your work is the poster. It summarizes the subject in less than 1 m2, and allows you to present it to only those who are interested. Nowadays, it is a common practice in conferences and fairs. By the end of the project, each team is supposed to present their work on the project through a poster. The poster should cover the work done during the semester from the idea of the project till building and testing it. 8 8

9 Elements of the Poster Information about the project (project title, team members, the course, term & institution) - introduction - problem statement - design process methodology - project management – modeling & simulation - cost analysis - design specifications – design drawings - pictures of the artifact - testing results and conclusion. 9 9

10 The Poster Rubric The poster is evaluated according to the following criteria: Relevant Scientific Content Organization Layout and Readability Language Graphics Oral Presentation (individual) 10 10

11 3. The Final Report The final report should address:
Definition of your project (functions, requirements, and constraints) and its management (WBS, LRC, ... etc.) Mathematical modeling and simulation results of the model. Design specs and process of building an artifact and the results of testing it. 11 11

12 Elements of the Report Cover page Table of Contents Introduction
Literature Review Original & Revised Problem Statements Project Charter Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Linear Responsibility Chart (LRC) Gantt Chart or MS Project Percent Complete Matrix (PCM) 12 12

13 Elements of the Report, cont’d
Initial Design Attributes Design Objectives and Objectives Tree Realistic Constraints Metrics to Measure the Achievement of Objectives Input and Output (black box approach) Function to be realized (transparent box approach) Performance Specifications/ Design Requirements 13 13

14 Elements of the Report, cont’d
Function–Means Tree. The Mathematical Model (equations with definition of terms) Simulation Results (table and chart) Design Specifications, i.e. main components and design drawings/pictures of components Stages of Building/Manufacturing (with pictures of the various stages, include the participation of the team members) Method of Operation 14 14

15 Elements of the Report, cont’d
Budget: price of the main components and cost of fabrication Experimental Testing & Results (tables and charts) Conclusion References Appendices (e.g. team meeting minutes) 15 15

16 The Final Report Rubric
The final report is evaluated according to the following criteria: All elements of the report mentioned in the previous four slides such as introduction and appendices. In addition these items are included: Style and Formatting Illustrations Organization 16 16

17 4. The Portfolio The portfolio is the document that puts together all the material of the course. It serves as a means for: getting to know the course; subjects offered and the learning objectives. getting a feeling of how the students benefit from the course. archiving the course material; e.g. reports, exercises and assignments. 17 17

18 Portfolio Objectives It is important that engineers get into the habit of keeping things in order, so that they can keep track of things when they need them. In addition, it is important that engineers learn how to assess various programs, among which is this course. The design notebook is intended to train students achieve both objectives; organization and evaluation. 18 18

19 Elements of the Portfolio
Cover page Table of Contents Scope: why is this portfolio? Introduction: subjects covered and what the students actually learn from it Assessment: What is great in the course? How could the course be more useful? Team Exercises In-Class Assignments Final Report 19 19

20 The Portfolio Rubric The portfolio is evaluated according to the following criteria: Material covered in the Scope and Introduction Creativity in the course assessment Completeness of the course material Organization 20 20

21 5. The Celebration The celebration is the final meeting in the course. It is a chance for each student to reflect on the course; expressing what they have learned in general from each activity in the course On the other hand, it is expected that they freely voice out their concern and what they think could be done to improve the course outcomes. 21 21

22 Structure of the Celebration
Celebration is done in the form of a ppt for the whole team. However, each team member has to prepare and present his part separately. The instructor may ask any member individually about any part of the course. 22 22

23 The Celebration Rubric
The portfolio is evaluated according to: (the first item is team score, whereas the rest are individual scores) Design of slides in the presentation Originality of ideas and Creativity in the course assessment Delivery (presentation skills) Scientific background 23 23

24 Submission The report should be sent to the instructor by email.
The due dates for the material covered in the previous slides are to be arranged with your instructor. Don’t forget; no papers are to be used in the course. 24 24

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