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With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face Handy Ordinal Numbers.

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2 With Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face Handy Ordinal Numbers

3 Hello! I am Miss Digitally Angry Clock-Face, and I am here to teach you ordinal numbers. So, pay attention.

4 Ordinal numbers show you which order things are in. (Just in case you didnt know.)

5 first (1 st ) premier (1 er )

6 second (2 nd ) deuxième (2 e )

7 third (3 rd ) troisième (3 e )

8 fourth (4 th ) quatrième (4 e )

9 fifth (5 th ) cinquième (5 e )

10 sixth (6 th ) sixième (6 e )

11 seventh (7 th ) septième (7 e )

12 eighth (8 th ) huitième (8 e )

13 ninth (9 th ) neuvième (9 e )

14 tenth (10 th ) dixième (10 e )

15 eleventh (11 th ) onzième (11 e )

16 twelfth (12 th ) douzième (12 e )

17 From 13 th to 20 th, you only have to add the ending ième to the ordinal numbers we just learned, minus their final e when they have one.


19 Et bien sûr, vingtième (20 e )! And of course, twentieth!

20 Be careful. Ordinal numbers in French can be masculine or feminine... depending on the noun they are referring to!

21 Here are some examples!

22 The first house. La première maison.

23 The first tree. Le premier arbre.

24 The second zebra. Le deuxième zèbre.

25 The second bottle. La deuxième bouteille.

26 The tenth floor. Le dixième étage.

27 And so on! Now watch Angry Olympics 10, youre ready for some practice!


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